L Case assortment, Pop Culture, Entertainment and more

Retail outlets filled the shelves in June with a large assortment of new cars. Some Walmart received L cases with the latest Zamacs, The Entertainment selection and Pop Culture: Batman Classics TV Series and Marvel. Target have the first appearance of the high anticipated Heritage line. Most store sold out quickly with its low price point of $2.49. The latest New Models include: D-Muscle, Cadillac Elmiraj, X-Stream, and Tesla Model S. The regular Treasure Hunt is the Piranha Terror and the Super Treasure Hunt is the ’65 Ford Mustang 2+2. The Zamac in this mix include:  #10 Fast-Bed Hauler, #11 ’68 Mercury Cougar, #12 Super Van. Check out all of the 2015 releases here. Another new model in the Entertainment line is the Ford F-250.

L Case New models 1

L Case New models 2L case ZAMAC

Custom Greenbrair

Mattel also introduced a new plastic Off-road wheels to it’s arsenal. It’s first appearance is on the Off Duty found in “L” cases. It’s a Bead Lock design found on most real off road wheels today.  Information received from Mattel that it’s called bead lock off road wheel and it’s abbreviation will be BlOr.Bead Lock Off road wheel