
38 Years Strong!

A Collector’s Magazine

By Collectors, For Collectors!

Find out what thousands of subscribers worldwide have discovered by subscribing to the Hot Wheels® Newsletter!

We are the largest and longest running publication catering solely to the Hot Wheels® community. “by Collectors, for Collectors” – our experienced writers bring you only verified information, no rumors! We reach Hot Wheels® enthusiasts from all over the world including Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, England, Belgium, Japan, Malaysia, and others.
Each subscription includes:

  • 4 issues of the original Hot Wheels® Newsletter Magazine mailed every 3 months. Each issue of the Newsletter contains articles covering the newest releases, promotions, Limited Editions, club and collector’s news, insights into past lines and releases, …, essentially ANYTHING having to do with Hot Wheels® products and the Hot Wheels® collectors’ community.
  • You will also receive the Hot Wheels® Newsletter Update, a 4 to 6-page flyer, sent out in-between the quarterly issues to keep you abreast of new releases and current collector news.
  • First chance to purchase tickets to the popular Annual Hot Wheels® Collector’s Convention, and Annual Hot Wheels® Collectors Nationals, the largest yearly gatherings of Hot Wheels® collectors and enthusiast anywhere!
  • Each issue of the Newsletter also includes information on how to join one of the more than 35 chapters of our worldwide Collector’s Club.

The Hot Wheels® Newsletter is published by Peter Kistler who has more than 30 years of collecting experience and has attended Hot Wheels conventions around the world. It is written by knowledgeable collectors from across the United States, including Peter, Russ Looker (cofounder of the Newsletter), Bob Rosas, Carl Pomponio and others. The Hot Wheels® Newsletter is an independent publication, under license with Mattel. 

Contact the Hot Wheels Newsletter at Peter.Kistler@HotWheelsCollectorsNewsletter.com if you have any questions.