The Ecto-1 Coming to the Nationals

Sneak Peek 2 -The Ghostbuster Ecto-1 

If you really want to have a good time collecting Hot Wheels® and want this Oak Brook Nats logo cropsouvenir piece make plans to come to the Nationals in Oak Brook IL. 
This was created for the eighties blockbuster film “Ghostbusters” and Manson Cheung designed the Hot Wheels® version in 2010.
This events version is a green slime covering zamac car with white wall real rider tires, The Ghostbusters logo on the side and back door and the Nationals logo on the hood. HWC Van created this fun deco for the Nationals.
This is limited to 2600 pieces total and will be available only at the Nationals in Oak Brook, IL beginning on Tuesday April 1, 2014.

Remember all ticket sales end March 10th or when sold out, your order must be received by this date.

Sneak Peek 2 The Ghostbusters Ecto-1

Nationals Ecto-1