This Malaysia made Dodge van has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows with sunroof.
a. mf brown, gray base, white int., tinted windows, yellow and black design w/”Dodge” and “Caravan” on sides, dw3. 1998 First Editions #633 $2 – 3
a2. mf brown, as a, sp5, #633 2 – 3
b. mf silver, black base, gray int., tinted windows, lt. blue, yellow, black and red design w/”8″, “Cal State L.A.” and “Solar Eagle III” on sides, sp5gd. Ch. Solar Racing Action pack 3 – 5
c. mf orange, black base, white int., tinted windows, silver, black, yellow and white design w/”Metro Hotel Shuttle” on sides, sp5, Mal. #1026 (1999) 7 – 10
d. red, gray base, white int., blue windows, white, blue and black design w/”Mobile TV Unit Channel 7″ on sides, sp5, Ch. Kool Toyz Racing pack (2001) 3 – NA
e. yellow, black base and int., clear windows, red, white and black design w/”Ambulance”, “Rescue” and “Unit 9” on sides, sp5, Ch. Sto ‘n Go Rescue Center set (2001) 3 – 6
f. mf white, chrome base, white int., blue windows, pink and blue design with “Barbie” on sides and front, “Dodge Caravan” on sides, sp5. Th. Toys “R” Us Timeless Toys series III 4-pack (2001) 6 – NA
g. mf blue, gray base, tan int., clear windows, gray, lt. green and white design w/”Yosemite” on sides, sp3, Th. World Tour 5-pack (2001) 2 – NA
h. black, gray base and int., tinted windows, white and gold design w/”Police” and City of Hot Wheels logo on sides and hood, sp5. Ch. Super Police Headquarters set (2001) 4 – NA
i. mf orange, gray base, tan int., clear windows, black, white and lt. green design w/”Goaaall!!!!!”, soccer ball, “Dodge” and logo on sides, sp5, Th. #224 (2002) 2 – 3
j. white, gray base, black int., red windows, black, red and gray design w/”Police Academy, Join Now” on sides, “Hot Wheels Police Academy” on hood, sp5, Mal. Roll Patrol #169 (2003)
k. yellow, black base and int., blue windows, met blue, white and black taxi design w/”HW City Works”, “Dodge” and HW logo on sides, sp10, Th. HW City Works 5-pack (2009) 2 – NA
l. mf lt. blue and blue, metal base, black int., tinted windows, orange flame pinstripe on sides, details, lgrrorl, Mal. Boulevard – Big Hits (2012) 2 – 4
I noticed a casting difference between the 2002 Sports 5-Pack version.
If you look closely you can see that some casts feature foglights in the front bumper and some don’t.
I also noticed the foglight casting difference on some later releases.
And I’m quite sure that the missing foglights are not the result of too much paint on the front
Excellent eyes. Never notice it.