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This Malaysia made Dodge van has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows with sunroof.

Dodge Caravan (a) a. mf brown, gray base, white int., tinted windows, yellow and black design w/”Dodge” and “Caravan” on sides, dw3. 1998 First Editions #633 $2 – 3
Dodge Caravan (a2) a2. mf brown, as a, sp5, #633 2 – 3
 b. mf silver, black base, gray int., tinted windows, lt. blue, yellow, black and red design w/”8″, “Cal State L.A.” and “Solar Eagle III” on sides, sp5gd. Ch. Solar Racing Action pack 3 – 5
Dodge Caravan (c) c. mf orange, black base, white int., tinted windows, silver, black, yellow and white design w/”Metro Hotel Shuttle” on sides, sp5, Mal. #1026 (1999) 7 – 10
d. red, gray base, white int., blue windows, white, blue and black design w/”Mobile TV Unit Channel 7″ on sides, sp5, Ch. Kool Toyz Racing pack (2001) 3 – NA
e. yellow, black base and int., clear windows, red, white and black design w/”Ambulance”, “Rescue” and “Unit 9” on sides, sp5, Ch. Sto ‘n Go Rescue Center set (2001) 3 – 6
 f. mf white, chrome base, white int., blue windows, pink and blue design with “Barbie” on sides and front, “Dodge Caravan” on sides, sp5. Th. Toys “R” Us Timeless Toys series III 4-pack (2001) 6 – NA
g. mf blue, gray base, tan int., clear windows, gray, lt. green and white design w/”Yosemite” on sides, sp3, Th. World Tour 5-pack (2001) 2 – NA
h. black, gray base and int., tinted windows, white and gold design w/”Police” and City of Hot Wheels logo on sides and hood, sp5. Ch. Super Police Headquarters set (2001) 4 – NA
i. mf orange, gray base, tan int., clear windows, black, white and lt. green design w/”Goaaall!!!!!”, soccer ball, “Dodge” and logo on sides, sp5, Th. #224 (2002) 2 – 3
Dodge Caravan (j) j. white, gray base, black int., red windows, black, red and gray design w/”Police Academy, Join Now” on sides, “Hot Wheels Police Academy” on hood, sp5, Mal. Roll Patrol #169 (2003)
Dodge Caravan (k) k. yellow, black base and int., blue windows, met blue, white and black taxi design w/”HW City Works”, “Dodge” and HW logo on sides, sp10, Th. HW City Works 5-pack (2009) 2 – NA
Dodge Caravan (l) l. mf lt. blue and blue, metal base, black int., tinted windows, orange flame pinstripe on sides, details, lgrrorl, Mal. Boulevard – Big Hits (2012) 2 – 4


2 Responses

  1. Hello.
    I noticed a casting difference between the 2002 Sports 5-Pack version.
    If you look closely you can see that some casts feature foglights in the front bumper and some don’t.
    I also noticed the foglight casting difference on some later releases.
    And I’m quite sure that the missing foglights are not the result of too much paint on the front