This Malaysia Made Dodge has a metal body, plastic base, interior with exhaust stacks and windows.
a. mf red, chrome base, gray int., clear windows, gold pinstripes and “L’il Red Express Truck” on sides, silver trim, sp5. 2012 New Models #34 $1 – 2
b. mf purple, as a, 2012 New Models #34 1 – 2
c. mf aqua, chrome base, black int., clear windows, ivory, blue, and black flower panels on hood, roof, and sides, “360” and “Road to Hana” on sides, sp5or, Mal. HW Road Trippin’ – State Route 360 #17 (2014) 2 – 4
d. pearl lt magenta, chrome base, black int., clear windows, red and yellow flames on hood and sides, sp5rd, Mal. HW Workshop – Heat Fleet #215 (2015) 1 – 2
d2. pearl lt magenta, as d, mc5bk/rd-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – Heat Fleet #215 (2015) 15 – 40
d3. pearl lt magenta, as d, os5bk/rd-rim multi-pack only 20 – NA
e. pearl white, as d, blue windows, blue and met lt. blue flames , sp5ltbu, Mal. HW Workshop – Heat Fleet #215 (2015) 1 – 2
f. yellow, chrome base, black int., clear windows, green, lt. green, and white stripes on hood and sides, “Express” on sides, sp5, Mal. HW Hot Trucks #11 (2017) 1 – 2
g. lt. blue, as f, silver int., clear windows, blue, white, and black design, sp5, Mal. HW Hot Trucks #11 (2017) 1 – 2
h. red, as f, white and black design, sp5, Mal. HW Hot Trucks Walgreen excl. (2017) 1 – 3
i. mf red, metal base, silver int., tinted windows, gold pinstripes and “L’il Red Express Truck” on sides, prr, Th. 50 Favorites #7 (2018) 3 – 6
j. mf blue, chrome base, silver int., clear windows, yellow and orange stripes on hood and sides, stl8, Mal. HW Hot Trucks #55 (2019) 1 – 2
k. silver as j, black int., blue windows, blue and lt. blue stripes, ad, Mal. HW Hot Trucks #55 (2019) 1 – 2
l. yellow, metal base, silver int., tinted windows, red and white stripes and Shell logo on sides, “Shell” on tailgate, Th. Pop Culture – Fuelers #3 (2020) 3 – 6
m. mf olive, chrome base, black int., clear windows, gold stripes on hood and stripes, sp5gd, Mal. HW Hot Trucks #212 TH (2021) 2 – 4
n. black, metal base, gray int., tinted windows, gold stripes and “Midnite Express Truck” on sides, wood panel designs on sides and bed, rrlw, Th. Beach Trucks box set (2022) 3 – 6
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