This Hong Kong made model has a metal body and base, lift-up hood, plastic interior and windows.
Similar casting: Custom Camaro (1968),
Note: In 2017 the mainline version now has a sealed hood and plastic base.
Note: Retool in 2018 with door lines and other changes for the RLC release.
Note: In 2022 a new version has a stinger hood, spoiler and other details.

 a. red, metal base, black int., clear windows, yellow, white, and black flames and “67 Camaro” on sides, bw. $60 – 200
a2. red, as a, Mal. 50 – 175
 b. mf lime yellow, black roof, bw, HK, 15th Anniversary Belt Buckle 3-pack (1983) 75 – 125
c. mf blue, pink int., clear windows, white, pink and lt. green splash design on sides and top, yellow “Cal Custom” on windshield, tw, Mal. California Custom (1991) 75 – 200
c2. mf blue, as c, small “Cal Custom” on windshield tw, Mal. California Custom (1991) 75 – 200
 d. mf blue, white int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and trunk, rrrl. Mal. Mattel promo, LE5000, baggie (1995) 90 – 150
 d2. mf lt. blue, as d, rrrl. Mal. Mattel promo, LE5000, baggie (1995) 90 – 150
'67 Camaro (e) e. white, orange int., clear windows, orange stripes on hood and trunk, white Hot Wheels logo on rear window, rrgygyt, Mal. Treasure Hunt #355 (1995) 435 – 850
 f. gold-plated, white int., tinted windows, red and black FAO Schwarz logo, pc5gd. Mal. Gold Series Collection II, 16-pack LE4000 (1995) 120 – NA
g. chrome, red int., tinted windows and Hot Wheels logo on back window, bwrl, Mal. Classic American Car Collection, 16-pack LE5000 (1995) 80 – NA
 h. mf dk. red, white int., tinted windows, bw, Mal. Chevy 5-pack (1995) 25 – NA
i. white, blue int., clear windows, red Hot Wheels logo on rear windows, sp5. Mal. Then & Now 8-pack (1995) 20 – NA
j.  black, black int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and trunk, red, white, and blue Greater Seattle Toy Show tampo on roof, pc6gd, Mal. LE8000 (1995) 45 – 80
k. white, black roof, black int., clear windows, black stripes across front of hood, pc5, Mal. Pat’s Collectibles, LE7000 (1995) 30 – 50
  l. yellow, black int., tinted windows, black stripes on hood and trunk, yellow Hot Wheels logo on rear window, sp5, Mal. #448 (1995) 4 – 7
 l2.  yellow, as l, sp7, 60s Muscle Cars 5-pack (1997) 100 – NA
 l3.  yellow, as l, ho5, Mal. #448 5 – 9
l4.  yellow, as l, sp3, no country on base #448 75 – 120
 l5.  yellow, as l, red Hot Wheels logo in rear window, sp5, Mal. 60s Muscle Cars 5-pack (1997) 90 – NA
l6.  yellow, as l, no country on base, sp5, #448 7 – 10
 m. green, red int., clear windows, red wavy lines, red and yellow Hot Wheels logos on sides and top, sp5, Mal. Mod Bod #399 (1996) 5 – 8
m2. green, as m, sp7 (1996) 30 – 70
m3. green, as m, tinted windows, sp5 #399 (1996) 30 – 70
n. red, tan int., clear windows, white stripes all over, “USA” and five Olympic circles in red, green, yellow, black, and blue on sides, pc5gd, Ch. American Victory Olympic 3-pack (1996) 7 – 15
'67 Camaro (o) o. orange, black int. and grille, clear windows, white stripes on sides, rrgyt, Mal. 60s Muscle Cars 4-pack (1996) 20 – NA
p. blue, white top and int., clear windows, white trim on sides, rrgyt, Mal. Hill’s Dept. Stores LE in box (1996) 35 – 60
 q. mf silver, black int., clear windows, sp7, Mal. Camaro 5-pack (1996) 8 – NA
 q2. mf silver, as q, sp5 (1997) 8 – NA
'67 Camaro (q3) q3. mf silver, as q, sp3 (1997) 9 – NA
r.  green, black and white int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and front fenders, white and red “Camaro” and black and white racing flags on sides, rrgyt, Ch. 30th Anniversary of ’67 Muscle Cars 3-pack (1997) 20 – NA
s. dk. blue, black base, white int., clear windows, black, white, and yellow “15” and Sunoco tampo, rr, Mal. 30th Anniversary Camaro 4-pack (1997) 20 – NA
 t. pearl white, black int., tinted windows, sp7rl, Mal. Designer Collection 5-pack, General Mills promo (1997) 12 – NA
 u. red, as r, sp5gyt, Ch. Camaro Enthusiasts Magazine, 1967 RS/SS Camaro LE15,000 (1998) 18 – 25
v. black, mf gold top, black metal base, black int., clear windows, red and white tampo w/“13” on sides, hood, and trunk, rrgyt, Ch. Edelbrock LE10,000 (1998) 18 – 30
 w. mf blue, white int., clear windows, red, yellow, and white tampo, Hot Wheels race team tampo, sp5, Mal. Race Team series IV, #725 (1998) 4 – 6
 w2. mf blue, as w, sp5, Ch., playset (1999) 25 – NA
w3. mf blue, as w, sp3, Mal. #725 (1999) 20 – 60
w4. mf blue, as w, sp5, no country on base, Race Team series IV #725 (1998) 3 – 5
w5. mf blue, as w, sp7, Mal. #725 (1999) 20 – 150
x. unpainted, yellow int., clear windows, sp5. Race Team Series IV, 1998 Collectors Convention, LE500 #725 (1998) 250 -400
 y. blue, white int., tinted windows, orange, yellow, and white design w/flames on sides, sp5. Mal. X-Ray Cruiser #947 (1999) 2 – 5
 y2. blue, as y, sp3, Mal. X-Ray Cruiser #947 (1999) 2 – 5
z. white and black, black base, black int., tinted windows, multicolor El Paso, TX Police Dept. design, pc5, Mal. Cop Rods LE25,000 (1999)  5 – 15
aa. white, blue int., blue windows, dk. blue and red Chicago Cubs tampo, sp5. Mal. Chicago Cubs baseball promo 2-pack (1999) 55 – 100
 ab. gray, black int., blue windows, red, yellow, and black “Stunt 99” and race decals on sides and hood, sp5, Mal. #1014 (2000) 2 – 4
 ac. red, clear windows, white int., white roof, white, yellow, and red tampo w/“Kookie” on sides, stripes on hood and trunk, Kookie figure on roof, “Otter Pops” on trunk, rrrd, Th. Otter Pops premium (2000) 18 – 25
** Note: After 9/11 a sticker was placed over the twin towers NA – 25
ad. orange, black roof, black int., clear windows, red, black, and white “Camaro” on sides, stripes on top, Editor’s Choice logo on trunk, pc5, Th., Editor’s Choice (2000)      7 – 12
ae. red, white int., clear windows, yellow, black, and white Ronald McDonald House Charities tampo, rr, LE5000, 14th Annual Collectors Convention (2000)  80 – 125
af. white, white metal base, black roof and int., clear windows, black, yellow, red, and gray 14th Annual Collectors Convention tampo, pc5. 14th Annual Convention LE2000 (2000) 100 – 125
 ag. white, white int., clear windows, red and black “Stunt 99” on sides and hood, sp5, Ch. Power Launcher pack (2001) 25 – 50
ah. turquoise, white int., clear windows, orange and yellow bird tampo on sides, sp5, Ch. Pavement Pounders pack (2001) 15 – 30
ai. magenta, black int., clear windows, yellow, black, and purple bird tampo on sides, sp3, Ch. Target Pavement Pounders pack (2001) 12 – 20
 aj. magenta, black int., clear windows, gray, black, and blue design, sp5, Ch. Kool Toyz Power Launcher pack (2001) 60 – 100
ak. mf red, white int., clear windows, yellow and black “31” on sides, sp5, Ch. Pavement Pounders pack (2001) 5 – 12
al. mf gray, black int., tinted windows, sp3, Ch. Pavement Pounders pack (2001) 15 – 25
 am. red, white int., tinted windows, black and white design on sides and hood, “Punk Rock” on sides, dw3, Th. Motorin’ Music 5-pack (2001) 10 – NA
 an. mf dk. blue, black hood, black metal base, gray int., clear windows, red and white tampo w/“1”, Hot Wheels logo and “Racing” on sides and hood, sp3, Ch. #139 (2002) 2 – 4
 an2. mf lt. blue, as an, sp3. #139 (2002) 2 – 4
ao. chrome, chrome metal base, black int., chrome windows, red, white, and black Hot Wheels logo on sides, Red Line Club logo on roof, two red stripes on hood and trunk, rrrl, Ch. RLC LE5000 (2002) 30 – 65
 ao2. chrome, as ao, blue stripes, rrrl. RLC LE10,000 (2002) 25 – 50
ao3. chrome, as ao, black stripes, rrrl. HWC LE10,000 (2002) 22 – 45
ao4. chrome, as ao, silver base, rrrl  RLC 70 – 125
ao5. chrome, as ao2, silver base, rrrl  RLC 70 – 125
ao6. chrome, as ao3, silver base, rrrl  RLC 70 – 125
ap. blue, silver base, black int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and trunk, Motor City Classics logo on rear window, rrgyt, Ch. Motor City Classics (2002) 10 – 18
 aq. white, metal base, gray int., clear windows, black, orange, and red stripes, w/Auto Zone tampo, Hot Wheels logo on trunk, sp5, Ch. Auto Zone 2-pack (2002) 6 – 10
ar.  yellow, metal base, black int., clear windows, blue, black, white, and gray design, “Hot Wheels” on sides, “One 2 Catch” on roof, sp5bl, Ch. Wastelanders #168 (2003) 2 – 4
 ar2. yellow, as ar, roof tampo reversed, sp5bl. Wastelanders  #168 (2003) 2 – 4
 as. white, metal base, black int., clear windows, black racing stripe around nose, details, “777”, “Bill Jenkins”, “Grumpy’s Toy”, and racing decals on sides, sp5rrgyt, Ch. Hall of Fame – Milestone Moments (2003) 10 – 20
at. spec. orange, white roof, black int., clear windows, white racing stripes on hood and trunk, details, 17th Annual Collectors Convention logo on roof, rrrl, Ch. 17th Annual Collectors Convention, LE5000 (2003) 30 – 45
 au. black, metal base, red int., clear windows, rrrl, Ch. Hall of Fame Top Ten (2003) 10 – 20
au-2. white, blue int., clear windows, silver flames and snowflakes on sides, details, “Seasons Greetings 2003” on rear window, neo, Ch. Christmas 2003 Model Shop 2-car set LE200 (2003) 1000 – NA
av. spec. blue, chrome metal base, white int., clear windows, details, white, lt. blue, and blue flames, w/“4”, and racing decals on sides, neo, Ch. HWC, Neo-Classics series #3 LE10,500 (2004) 20 – 35
 aw. mf white, metal base, black int., clear windows, red racing stripes across top and stripes w/“Camaro” on sides, details, rr5sp, Ch. Holiday Rods (2004) 10 – 20
 ax.  red, as aw, white replaces red in stripes, rr5sp, Holiday Rods (2004) 5 – 10
 ay. mf green, as aw, white int., rr5sp, Holiday Rods (2004) 5 – 10
 az. mf blue, as aw, gray int., silver replaces red in stripes, rr5sp, Holiday Rods (2004) 5 – 10
 ba. mf red and silver, metal base, black int., clear windows, black and red flames on sides, details, 5th Nationals logo on roof, rr, Th. 5th Annual Collectors Nationals, LE4000 (2005) 18 – 40
 bb. mf red, metal base, black int., tinted windows, black flames, 10th Anniversary Treasure Hunt logo on sides, rr, Th. Treasure Hunts #122 (2005) 10 – 25
bb2. mf red, as bb, rrrl, Treasure Hunts #122 (2005) 15 – 90
bc. spec. lt. green, metal base, black int., clear windows, black grille, silver and white design, racing stripes on sides and hood, silver rocker panels, “Camaro” on hood and sides, “SS 396” on sides, sp7rl, Th. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 6 – 10
bd. spec. red, as bc, sp7rl. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 6 – 10
bd2. spec, red, as bd, sp5rl. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 10 – 22
bd3. spec, red, as bd, metal grille, tinted windows, sp7rl. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 25 -40
be. spec, lt. blue, as bd, sp7rl. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 6 – 10
be2. spec. lt. blue, as be. sp5rl. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 8 – 15
bf. spec. yellow, as bc, sp7rl, black replaces white in tampo. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 6 – 10
 bg. spec. brown, as bc, sp7rl. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 6 – 10
bh. spec. black, as bc, sp7rl. Classics series 1 #14 (2005) 6 – 10
 bi. mf black, metal base, white int., clear windows, white stripe on hood, “Camaro”, “SS” on sides, details, rr5sprl, Mal. Real Riders series #14 (2005) 5 – 10
 bj. orange, metal base, white int., clear windows, details, white stripe on hood and sides, rr, Mal. Ultra Hots (2006) 6 – 10
bk. spec. green, chrome metal base, white int., clear windows, details, white racing stripe on sides and trunk, rr5spgyt, Ch. HWC Real Riders series 5 #1 LE11,000 (2006) 25 – 45
 bl. black, metal base, gray int., red windows, gray flames, red and white stripes on hood and sides, sp5, Mal. Motown Metal #089 (2006) 2 – 4
 bl2. black, as bl, y5. Motown Metal  #089 (2006) 2 – 4
bl3. black, as bl, sp5rl. Motown Metal  #089 (2006) 50 – 120
bm. spec. red, chrome base, tan int., clear windows, red and tan flames on hood and sides. “4” on sides, neo, Ch. HWC RLC Rewards #1 LE3000 (2006) 45 – 75
 bn. satin blue, white roof, metal base, white int., clear windows, details, white racing stripes on hood and trunk, 20th Convention logo on roof, rrbfg, Mal. 20th Annual Collectors Convention, LE3000 (2006) 22 – 45
 bo. mf blue, metal base, black int., blue windows, yellow, orange, and gold flames on hood and sides, sp5, Mal. Camaro #042 (2007) 2 – 4
 bo2. mf blue, as bo, pr5, Camaro #042 (2007) 2 – 5
bo3. mf blue, as bo, silver painted base, sp5, Camaro #042 Factory-Sealed set (2007) 10 – 20
bp. mf red, metal base, black int., clear windows, black grille, details, white racing stripes on hood, roof, and sides, rrrl, Mal. Real Riders 2-pack (2007) 15 – NA
bp2. mf red, as bp, unpainted grille, rrrl. Real Riders 2-pack (2007) 15 – NA
 bq. mf red, white roof, metal base, white int., clear windows, white racing stripes on hood and trunk, rr5sprl, Mal. Ultra Hots (2007) 10 – 20
br. mf orange, metal base, black int., clear windows, blue and silver tampo, stripes on hood and truck, flames on sides, 7th Nationals logo on roof, rrgyt, Mal. 7th Annual Collectors Nationals, LE3000 (2007) 22 – 45
bs. pearl white, metal base, black int., clear windows, silver and blue stripes and flames on hood and sides, Convention logo on roof, rrgyt, Th. 21st Annual Collectors Convention LE3,000 (2007) 25 – 50
bt. mf red, flat black roof, metal base, black int., clear windows, black stripes on sides, hood and trunk, silver “Camaro” on sides, bwrl, Th. Since 68 #2 (2008) 5 – 12
bu. mf gold and black, metal base, black int., clear windows, silver and red pinstripes and “67” on sides, sp5gd, Th. General Motors 5-pack (2008) 4 – NA
bv. lt. green, metal base, black int., clear windows, black stripe flames on sides and hood, Nationals logo on roof, rrgyt, Th. 8th Annual Collectors Nationals LE3,000 (2008) 22 – 35
 bw. met gray, metal base, black int., clear windows, bwrl, Mal. 40 Year of Hot Wheels 40-car set (2008) 20 – NA
 bx. mf white, mf blue roof, metal base, blue int., tinted windows, met blue stripes on hood, trunk and sides, bwrl, Th. Hot Wheels Top 40 40-car (2008)     30 – NA
by. black and gold, metal base, black int., clear windows, black, silver, and gold design w/stripes on hood and trunk,”40” on hood trunk and sides, w/racing decals on sides, rr5spwlfs, Ch. Custom Car Show Japan LE2,500 (2008) 150 – 275
by2. black and gold, as by, rr5spgdwlfs, Ch. Custom Car Show Japan 2-car box set LE500 (2008) 180 – 360
 bz. black an bronze, as by, rr5sporwlfs, Ch. Custom Car Show Japan 2-car box set LE1500 (2008) 75 – 150
'67 Camaro (ca) ca. satin green, metal base, black int., brown windows, black, olive, and white stripes on hood and sides, sp5, Mal. Dream Garage #149 (2009) 2 – 4
'67 Camaro (cb) cb. satin blue, as ca, clear windows, orange and black stripes, wide orange stripe, pr5bk/bu-rim, Mal. Dream Garage #149 (2009) 2 – 4
cb2. satin blue, as cb, clear windows, orange and black stripes, thin orange stripe, pr5bk/bu-rim, Mal. Dream Garage #149 (2009) 2 – 4
cb3. satin blue, as cb, sp5rl, Mal. Dream Garage #149 (2009) 6 – 8
cc. satin silver, as ca, gray int., red windows, red, black and gray stripes, p5, Mal. Dream Garage #149 (2009) 2 – 4
cc-2. chrome, metal base, black int., clear windows, red, white, and yellow design, “40” and race deco on sides, “40” on hood, stripes on top, rr5sprl, Ch. Japan Custom Show Larry Wood 2-car set LE1500 (2009) 90 – 150
cc-3. gold chrome as cc.2, white int., rr5sprl, Ch. Japan Custom Show Larry Wood 2-car set LE500 (2009) 150 – 250
cd. mf white, metal base, black int., tinted windows, black roof, red, white and black, 10th Nationals logo on roof , stripes on hood, rr5spgyt, Th. 10th Annual Nationals #1 LE2400 (2010) 50 – 80
ce. black, metal base, gray int., green windows, green and silver stripes on hood and sides, flames on sides, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #086 (2010) 2 – 3
ce2. black, as ce, dk. green windows, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #086 (2010) 2 – 6
ce3. black, as ce, dk. green stripes, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #086 (2010) 2 – 6
'67 Camaro (cf) cf. orange, as by, tinted windows, black and silver design, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #086 (2010) 2 – 3
cg. spec pink, chrome metal base, white int., clear windows, details, rsw, Th. Neo-Classics series 9 #1 LE6,000 (2010) 20 – 50
 ch. candy purple, metal base, black int., clear windows, metal grille, purple, yellow, red, and white stripes on hood, roof, and trunk, “67” on roof and sides, design and decals on sides, mc5gd, Mal. Cars of the Decades #14 (2011) 30 – 70
 ch2. candy purple, as ch, flat black metal grille, mc5gd, Mal. Cars of the Decades #14 (2011) 5 – 15
ci. mf blue and white, metal base, gray int., clear windows, silver and black stripes on hood and sides, “Camaro’ and emblem on sides, rrrl, Mal. Hot Wheels Garage GM #1 (2011) 10 – 20
cj. mf yellow and flat black, as ci, black int., rrrl, Mal. Hot Wheels Garage GM #1 (2011) 10 – 20
 ck. mf red, metal base, black int., tinted windows, black and white design w/“88” on hood and sides, decals in sides, tire-mark stripes on hood, sp10wh, Mal. Dale Jr. Collection #4 (2011) 1 – 3
cl. red, as ck, stlrrrl, Mal. Hot Wheels Garage Ford vs. Chevy 20-pack #1 (2011) 12 – 25
cm. mf dk. blue, metal base, gray int., clear windows, silver tribal flames and pinstripes on sides, hood, and trunk, Convention logo on roof, rrgyt, Mal. 25th Annual Collectors Convention LE1500 (2011) 50 – 100
cn. black and mf gold, black metal base, black int., clear windows, red, black, and white “13” on hood, trunk, and sides, red stripe on sides, sp5rrgd/ch-rimgyt, Th. Vintage Racing – Smokey Yunick’s #25 (2011) 80 – 130
co. mf orange, flat black roof, chrome metal base, black int., clear windows, red, black, blue, and white checkerboard and flame design on sides, 12th Nationals logo on roof, details, gtrrw/“Dearborn Nationals”, Ch. 12th Annual Collectors Nationals #3 LE2000 (2012) 40 – 85
'67 Camaro (cp) cp. black, metal base, red int., clear windows, red and white stripes and “Summit Racing Equipment” on sides, smooth sides, sp5, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Performance #244 (2013) 2 – 4
'67 Camaro (cp2) cp2. black, as cp, with door handles, sp5, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Performance #244 (2013) 10 – 20
cp3. black, as cp, with door handles and door lines, sp5, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Performance #244 (2013) 15 – 35
cp4. spec black, as cp, rr5sp, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Performance #244 STH (2013) 30 – 60
cp5. spec gray, as cp4, rr5sp, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Performance #244 STH (2013) 40 – 80
cpp. spec blue, chrome metal base, white int., blue windows, flat black roof, neo, Ch. RLC Original 16 LE3,000 (2013) 100 – 200
'67 Camaro (cq) cq. specfst blue, metal base, silver int., clear windows, gold stripes on hood trunk and sides, black and white “67” on hood and sides, decals on sides, slt5, Th. Cool Classics #8 (2014) 4 – 8
'67 Camaro (cr) cr. mf gray, metal base, black int., clear windows, black stripes on hood, details, tbrrgyt, Mal. Entertainment – Christine (2015) 5 – 10
 cs. spec gulf blue, chrome metal base, black int., tinted windows, orange, black, and white, Gulf race design, “67” on hood, trunk, and sides, decals and details, prrgyte, Mal. RLC/HWC special edition LE4500 (2016) 150 – 210
 ct. gold chrome, chrome metal base, black int., clear windows, black pinstripes on hood, roof, and sides, “Camaro 50 Years” and decals on sides, convention logo on trunk, rr10spgyt, Ch. 30th Collectors Convention #1 LE2600 (2016) 90 – 180
 cu. tan, metal base, black int., clear windows, black and white stripes on top and sides, “67” on hood and sides decals on sides, sp5, Th. Camaro Fifty #1 (2017) 1 – 3
 cv. spec orange, chrome metal base, white int., blue windows, white scallops on hood, trunk, and sides, neo, Ch. RLC Neo-Classics series 14 #2 LE7500 (2017) 25 – 40
 cw. spec pink, white roof, chrome metal base. white int., blue windows, red and white stripes on sides, details, neo, Ch. 17th Nationals RLC Club Edition Apox. 1300 made (2017) 50 – 80
 cx. red, chrome base, black int., clear windows, black, yellow, and white stripes on hood and sides, sp5, Mal. Camaro Fifty #313 (2017) 1 – 3
 cy. spec red, as cx, rrstl, Mal. Camaro Fifty STH (2017) 20 – 50
 cz. zamac, black base and int., clear windows, black, yellow, and green stripes on hood and sides, sp5gd. Mal. Camaro Fifty Zamac #16 Walmart excl. (2017) 3 – 10
 da. gold chrome, flat black base, black int., tinted windows, blue stripes and black 50th logo on sides, sp5gd, Mal. 50th Anniversary CH (2018) 3 – 6
 db. white, chrome base, black int., clear windows, black and red stripes on hood, truck and sides, stl8bk/or-rim, Mal. Camaro #1 Walmart excl. (2018) 2 – 4
 dc. mf aqua, metal base, lt blue int., blue windows, flat black roof, black stripes on hood and trunk, 50th Anniversary logo on sides, bwrl, Mal. Redline Replicas #3 (2018) 4 – 7
 dd. mf green, chrome base, black int., clear windows, black and green stripes on sides, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Detroit Muscle #1 Walmart (2018) 1 – 3
 de. spec brown, chrome metal base, white int., clear windows, flat black roof, neo, Ch. RLC Original 16 Box set LE1500 (2018) 275 – NA
 df. white, chrome metal base, white int., blue windows, gold Hot Wheels 50th Anniversary logo on sides, neo, Ch. RLC exclusive LE12,000 (2018) 20 – 40
df-2. Spec orange chrome metal base, black int., tinted windows, black roof, details, neo, Ch. 50th anni. edition Camaro LE 1861 (2018) 900 – 1500
dg. spec black, chrome metal base, red int., black steering wheel, clear windows, red stripe across nose,  neo, Ch. RLC Car (2019) 20 – 45
dh. spectrafrost pink, chrome metal base, black int., cleat windows, flat black roof, black stripes on hood, 19th Annual Collectors Nationals on trunk, details, rr5sprl, Ch. 19th Annual Collectors Nationals #2 LE5000 (2019) 25 – 50
di. lt. orange, metal base, black int., clear windows, black stripe on hood, details, rr5sp, Th. Fast & Furious 1/4 mile Muscle #4 (2019) 3 – 7
dj. blue, chrome base, black int., clear windows, red, orange, and white stripes on hood and sides, “R” on roof, ad, Mal. HW Art Cars #248TH (2019) 2 – 4
dk. mf gold, , metal base, black int., tinted windows, black stripes on hood and sides, details, rr5spbk/ch-rim, Th. Hot Wheels Premium Boulevard #4 (2020) 5 – 9
dl. mf brown, tinted chrome base, black int., clear windows, orange and yellow stripes on hood, flames on sides, mc5cp, Mal. HW Flames #231 (2020) 1 – 3
black, chrome base, silver int., clear windows, red, white and blue stripes on hood, flames on sides,, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Flames #231 Korger’s excl. (2020) 1 – 3
dn. white, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, blue, orange, green and black “Worldwide Optimism” on sides, “Change” and decals on hood, decals on trunk, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Dream Garage #110 (2021) 1 – 3
do. blue, as dn, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Dream Garage #110 Dollar General excl. (2021) 1 – 3
dp. mf gold, as dn, blue, orange and red design, on sides, hood and trunk, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Dream Garage #110 (2021) 1 – 3
dq. dk. red, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, silver stripe on nose, pr5, Mal. Gift-pack excl. (2022) 1 – 3
dr. blue, chrome base, white int., blue windows, pink, white, and yellow stripes and Hot Wheels logo on hood and sides , pr5/rd-rim, Indo. HW Race Team 5-pack. (2022) 2 – NA
ds. mf purple, as dq, black base, tan int., tinted windows, red stripe on nose. mc5, Mal. Gift pack excl. (2022) 3 – NA
dt. green, as dq, black base & int., tinted windows, white stripe on nose. stl8, Mal. Multi-pack only (2022) 3 – NA
du. flat black, gold chrome base, red int., clear windows, gold and red deigns on sides, “55” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. 55th Anniversary Series – Mix 2 #6 (2023) 2 – 4

Custom ’67 Camaro 3-D
In 2018 for the 50th Anniversary Mattel produced a 3-D printed version pf the Custom ’67 Camaro. There were only 250 made, individually numbered and set in a wooden box display. NA – 650Light blue with a white base and interior and frosted windows, neo wheels. Value in box 650.

7 Responses

  1. Hello, are these two listed the same? Also is there a rider Camaro from 2005 have a variation? Your list shows rrrl wheels. I opened one with just real riders no redlines. I bough both from Sears in 2005.
    I love this price guide I’m completing my 67 Camaro from this list. I’ve got about 60 more to go. Thanks guys

  2. ce2. black, as ce, dk. green windows, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #086 (2010) 2 – 6
    ce3. black, as ce, dk. green stripes, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #086 (2010) 2 – 6

    Sorry forgot to paste to my question

  3. Good morning, I’m still waiting for a reply on some variations I asked about, I sent in a few weeks ago.

    This has to do with the Mod Bod #399 car I’m a big fan of this car in the 7 spoke.

    First thing is I noticed only the tinted windows have the yellow HW logo on the cars rear windows.

    Second thing are the steering wheels. Open/closed and short versus long steering wheels. These are on all variations.
    Third thing is the shade of window from smoked to tinted to dark shades. I’ve have 3 variations of the red 5 pack as well. I’m finding bases with no countries or with a country on the base. Please get back with me on these and the others mentioned in my previous text. Thank yoi

    1. This is not really a open forum that i am aware of. More of a add to or point out things. Yet i could be wrong and someone will respond.

  4. HW Showroom #244 Summit Racing Equipment. I’ve found one with door handles and no Hot Wheels logo on base with the 1982 2012 Mattel stamped along with the 1967 Camaro stamp.

    Would this be a variation and what would you put it’s worth at? Wish I could upload a photo

  5. El modelo de FAO Schwartz, no corresponde a este casting, ya que la pieza tiene modificaciones en el capo y en los escapes, el modelo fue hecho por Phil Riehlmann (por confirmar) y se lanzo por primera vez en la serie de FAO, o sea que viene siendo primera edición 2022. Según se tenia planeado saliera en la version id de este año, pero ya se dejaron de producir.