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This 1940 Ford sedan has a metal body and  base with a plastic interior and windows and was made in Hong Kong.
Also known as: Fat Fendered ’40

 a. black, metal base, tan int., clear windows, red, yellow, and orange flames on sides and hood, bw. $12 – 20
a2. black, as a, Mal. 12 – 20
  a3. black, as a, rrgygyt, Mal. 30 – 50
  a4. black, as a, rrwhgyt, Mal. 60 – 85
 b. met red, metal base, black int., clear windows, white, yellow, and turquoise stripes on sides, bw, Mal. 20 – 35
 c.  met plum, no tampo, dk. gray int.,bw, Mex. (1986) 50 – 65
 d. purple, black int., clear windows, yellow and dk. red flames on sides, bw, Mal. #216 (1993) 5 – 10
e. chrome, black int., tinted windows, bw, Mal. 25th Anniversary logo on roof, 25th Anniversary Ford 5-pack (1993) 15 – NA
f. white, tan int., tinted windows, yellow, red, and orange flames on sides and hood, blue “Steadly Quikwheels” on roof, rrrl, Mal. LE7000 (1994) 20 – 30
 g. yellow, tan int., tinted windows, red and black flames on sides, hood, and fenders, black Hot Wheels logo on trunk, rrgy, Mal. 25th Anniversary black box, Mattel Toy Club, LE7000 (1994) 45 – 45
h. chrome, red int., clear windows, red Hot Wheels logo on back, bwrl, Mal. Classic American Car Collection, LE5000 (1995) 15 – NA
 i. mf blue, red int., blue windows, yellow, orange, and black flames w/“Warshawsky JC Whitney” on sides, sp5, Mal. LE7000, in box (1995) 12 – 25
j. mf dk. blue, gray int., clear windows, yellow, orange, and red flames, red, yellow, and gold “Early Times Mid-Winter 96 Rod Run” on roof, pc5, Mal. LE8000 (1996) 15 – 30
k. mf dk. red, tan int., clear windows, pc6gd, Mal. 100th Anniversary of Auto 9-pack (1996) 25 – NA
 l. turquoise, black int., clear windows, magenta, red, and yellow stripes, sp5, Ch. #607 (1997) 5 – 8
m. ruby red, black int., tinted windows, yellow, orange, and blue flames, white “Firebird Raceway”, yellow “Igniters Sedan”, pc6, Ch. Firebird Raceway LE10,000 (1998) 10 – 20
n. red, white int., clear windows, black and white tampo on sides and hood w/“Lexmark” on sides and “Optra” on rear side window, rrwhgyt, Ch. Lexmark premium, LE10,000, box (1998) 10 -15
o. lt. blue and dk. blue, white int., red windows, yellow and red flames, white “Anaheim California Oct. 16-18, 1998” on sides, 1998 Convention logo on roof, rrrd, Ch. 1998 Collectors Convention (1998) 15 – 20
p. lt. and dk. blue, blue int., clear windows, yellow, dk. blue, and lt. blue Blue Angels tampo, rrwl, Ch. Blue Angels LE15,000 (1998) 15 – 20
q. white, black fenders, black int., blue windows, dk. blue, black, and blue, Providence, RI Police Dept. tampo, rr. Th., Cop Rods (1999) 5 – 7
 r. black, white int., clear windows, yellow, red, and blue spray mask flames on hood and sides, “Showtime Forty” on sides, Boise Roadster Show logo on trunk, rrww, Th. Boise Roadster Show LE15,000 (2000)  10 – 18
 s. blue, tan int., clear windows, black, silver, and orange design w/“The Weise Brothers” on sides, lw, Mal., Circus on Wheels #27 (2000) 2 – 4
 s2. blue, as s, dw3, #27 (2000) 5 – 10
 t. gray, white int., red windows, black, white, orange, and red “Chuck E. Cheese’s” on sides, sp5, Th. Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza promo (2001) 5 – 10
u. black, white int., clear windows, white sides, gold, black, and white Los Angeles Police Dept. tampo, rr, Mal. Los Angeles Police Dept. LE (2001) 12 – 20
 v. black, white int., clear windows, red, white, orange, and gray design on sides, sp3, Th., Hot Rods 5-pack (2001) 3 – NA
 w. mf dk. red and white, white int., clear windows, orange, yellow, and turquoise flames on sides, ww, Th. Elvis Drive-In 4-pack (2001) 7 – NA
x. mf blue, white int., blue windows, yellow and black design on sides, hood, and roof, Editor’s Choice logo on trunk, rr, Th. Editor’s Choice (2001) 18 – 28
 y. mf black, white int., yellow windows, white, gray, red, and yellow “Lightning Fast Delivery” on sides and roof, sp5, Mal. Truck Stoppers 5-pack (2001) 4 – NA
 y2. mf black, as y, sp5, Th. Truck stoppers 5-pack (2001) 4 – NA
z. turquoise, black fenders and int., clear windows, purple, blue, and gray flames on sides and roof, black and white Motor City Classics logo on trunk, rr, Th. Motor City Classics (2002) 4 – 6
aa. flat black, metal base, white int., yellow windows, red, and white flames, “2A” and “Miller’s Cams and Fuel Control” on sides, Treasure Hunt logo on trunk, rr, Th. Treasure Hunt #008 (2002) 10 – 15
 ab. mf purple, metal base, white int., tinted windows, orange, yellow, and white flames on sides, sp5, Th. X Decades 1900-2000 (2002)          5 – NA
ac. flat gray, gold metal base, black int., red windows, flying eyeball tampo on sides and roof, “Tribute” on sides, “Tribute Customs” on roof, sp5gd, Mal. Wastelanders #156 (2003) 2 – 4
ac2. flat gray, as ac, ho5gd, Mal. Wastelanders #156 (2003) 8 – 40
 ac3. flat gray, as ac, sp5gd, Th. Wastelanders #156 (2003)       8 – 40
 ad. mf red, metal base, black int., yellow windows, gray, yellow, white, and gold stripes on sides, Hot Wheels logo on passenger side,  sp5gd, Mal. 10-pack (2006) 4 – NA
 ad2. mf red, as ad, Hot Wheels logo on drivers side,  sp5gd, Mal. 10-pack (2006) 4 – NA
 ae. mf purple, as ad, white int., blue windows, sp5, Mal. 10-pack (2006) 4 – NA
 af. spec. yellow, metal base, black int., clear windows, white flames on sides, sp5rl, Th. Classics series 3 #13 (2007) 2 – 4
ag. spec. black, as af, silver flames on sides, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #13 (2007) 2 – 4
 ah. spec. red, as af, black flames on sides, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #13 (2007) 2 – 4
 ai. spec. dk. blue, as af, blue flames on sides, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #13 (2007) 2 – 4
aj. spec. gold, as af, yellow flames on sides, sp5rl, Classics series 3 3-pack (2007) 2 – 10
 ak. mf red and flat black, metal base, red int., clear windows, maroon stripes on sides, ww, Th. Since ’68 #24 (2007)2 – 4
 al.  mf purple and mf gold, metal base, white int., clear windows, purple stripe on sides, gold pinstripe on trunk, ww, Th. 40 Anniversary 40-pack set 2 (2008) 5 – NA
am. satin black, metal base, black int., green windows,  white, yellow, nd green flames on hood and sides, bw, Th. 40 Years of Hot Wheels 40-car set (2008) 5 – NA
 an. yellow, metal base, black int., tinted windows, red, white, and black design with “NY” on hood, “New York”, “Empire State” and “11” on sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Connect Cars #11 (2009) 10 – 15
ao. mf blue and pink, metal base, white int., blue windows, blue, white, red, and yellow Blow Pop design, sp5, Mal. Sweet Rides Delivery #4 (2009) 3 – 5
 ao2. mf blue and lt. pink, as ao, sp5, Th. Hot Wheels Delivery (Sweet Rides) 2-car set (2009) 3 – NA
ap. mf lt blue,  metal base, black int., yellow windows, orange, red, and yellow scallop design on hood roof and sides, bw, Th. The Hot Ones (2011) 2 – 4
ap2. mf lt blue, as ap, bwrl, Th. The Hot Ones (2011) 3 – 7
  aq. dk. candy blue and red, metal base, off-white int., clear windows, red, white, black and blue British flag design on sides, The Who logo on roof, rrww, Mal. Pop Culture – Live Nation (2013) 3 – 5
 ar. mf tan and black, metal base, black int., red windows, multicolor “The Muppets Show” and Gonzo character on sides, rrtbrl, Th. Pop Culture – The Muppets (2014) 2 – 4

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