This Malaysia made pickup truck has a metal body with a plastic base interior, and windows.
a. mf silver, chrome base, black int., blue windows, blue and black stripes on sides, details, or6. HW Race – HW Race Team #130 (2015) $1 – 3
b. red, as a, tinted windows, or6. HW Race – HW Race Team #119 (2015) 1 – 2
c. candy blue, chrome base, black int., clear windows, red and white stripes on hood and sides, Hot Wheels logo on sides, or6/or. HW Hot Trucks #119 (2016) 1 – 2
d. black, as c, silver int., blue windows, blue. red and white design, or6/bu. HW Hot Trucks #141 (2016) 1 – 2
e. yellow, black base and int., red windows, red and black stripes on hood and sides, “Rescue” on sides, BlOr/rd, Mal. HW Rescue #65 (2017) 1 – 2
e2. yellow, black base and int., red windows, red and black stripes on hood and sides, “Rescue” on sides, or6/rd, Mal. HW Rescue #65 (2017) 2 – 4
f. red, as e, yellow windows, white and yellow design, or6/wh, Mal. HW Rescue #185 (2017) 1 – 2
g. candy blue, chrome base, black int., blue windows, white, orange, and red K&N logos on hood and sides, or6/or, Mal. HW Speed Graphics #81 (2018) 1 – 2
h. white, as g, black replace white in design, or6/gy, Mal. HW Speed Graphics #203 (2018) 1 – 2
i. black, chrome base, gray int., clear windows, gray and red stripes on hood and sides, or6/rd, American Pickup #4 (2019) 1 – 3
j. black, chrome base, dk. gray int., tinted windows, gray and met blue stripes on sides, BlOrbu, Indo. HW Zombies 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
k. lt brown, black base, brown int., tinted windows, dk gray and lt green designs and “HW” on sides, gray BlOrgd, Indo. HW Speed Blur 5-pack (2022) 2 – NA
l. satin red, gray base, black int., tinted windows, black stripe with orange “Expeditions” on sides, brown BlOrbk, Indo. HW Remote Adventures 5-pack (2023) 2 – NA