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Cast in Malaysia this fantasy car has a metal base with a plastic body, interior, and windows.

a. clear blue, metal base, chrome int., purple windows, silver and pink pinstripes on hood and roof with a pink Hot Wheels logo on hood, pr5.  First Editions – X-Raycers #058  $1 – 2
a2. clear blue, as a, fte, First Editions – X-Raycers #058 1 – 3
b. clear red, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, black air cleaners, black, white and red design w/“6” on sides, pr5, Ch. X-Raycers 5-pack (2006) 2 – NA
c. clear, metal base, white int., red windows, gold, red and black design on sides pr5rd, Mal. X-Raycers #072 (2007) 1 – 2
c2. clear as c, silver painted base, pr5rd, Mal. X-Raycers series #072 Factory-Sealed set (2007)  5 – 10
d. clear, metal base, chrome int., blue windows, blue, silver and black stripes w/“8” on sides, os5, Mal. Truckin’ Transporters (2008) 2 – 6
e. clear dk. blue, metal base, chrome int., orange windows, black, orange and white design w/”9″ on hood and sides, pr5, Mal. Tire Tread Raceway (2008) 3 – NA
 e2. clear blue, as e2, pr5, Ch. Mega Hauler/20-car pack (2016) 2 – NA
f. clear green, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, black, yellow, and white design w/”6″ on sides, clear yellow os5, Mal. HW Racing – X-Raycers #131 (2013) 1 – 2
 g. clear yellow, metal base, tinted chrome int., clear windows, black, met green, orange, and white design w/”6″ on sides, clear green os5or-rim Mal. HW Racing – X-Raycers #131 (2013) 1 – 2
 h. clear red, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, black, yellow, and orange flames w/”4″ on sides, clear yellow pr5or-rim Mal. HW Race – X-Raycers #174 (2014) 1 – 2
 i. clear aqua, as h, yellow windows, black, yellow, and orange flames w/”4″ on sides, clear orange pr5bk-rim Mal. HW Race – X-Raycers #174 (2014) 1 – 2
 j. pearl green, metal base, gold chrome int., brown windows, black, gold, green, and lt. green scale design on sides, os5bk/gn-rim Mal. Spider Loop Speedway track set (2014) 4 -NA
 k. clear lt. blue, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, yellow, and white design on sides, clear yellow os5or, Mal. HW Race – X-Raycers #143 (2015) 1 – 2
 l. clear red, as k, yellow windows, yellow, and met blue design, clear blue os5rd, Mal. HW Race – X-Raycers #143 (2015) 1 – 2
 m. clear purple, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, red, white, green, and yellow design W/”7″ and “X” on sides, green os5pu, Mal. X-Raycers #16 (2016) 1 – 2
 n. clear orange, metal base, chrome int., purple windows, black and yellow Jack-O-Lantern stripe design on top and sides, clear purple os5/yw-rim, Mal. Happy Halloween #8 (2016) 1 – 3
 o. pearl white, metal base, gray int., red windows, pink stripes on roof and sides, Toad character on sides, os5rd, Mal. Super Mario #1 (2016) 1 – 2
 p. chrome, metal base, black int., purple windows, black and purple stripes, “8′ and “Vandetta” on sides, purple sp5ds, Mal. Super Chromes #298 (2017) 1 – 2
q. lt. blue, metal base, white int., yellow windows, yellow, blue, black and white stripes and “Donald Duck” on hood and sides, sp5yw, Th. Disney #5 (2019) 1 – 2