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This Thailand made Ford 4-wheel drive pickup truck has a metal body and base, plastic interior with two off-road motorcycles and windows.

 a. spec orange and white, metal base, red int., clear windows, ct5. Classics series 5 #27 $10 – 18
a2. spec orange and white, as a, ort. Classics series 5 #27 10 – 18
a3. spec orange and white, as a, or6. Classics series 5 #27 (2009) 5 – 10
 b. spec red, as a, ort. Th. Classics series 5 #1 (2009) 25 – NA
 c. mf red, metal base, tinted chrome int., clear windows, white roof, tan and white sides, silver trim, ortch/rd-rimHappy Holidays, Th. Holiday Rods #3 (2009) 3 – 5
c2. mf red, as c, ortHappy Holidays, Th. Holiday Rods #3 (2009) 20 – 30
 d. mf blue, as c, blue and white sides, ortch/bu- rimHappy Holidays, Th. Holiday Rods #3 (2009) 10 – 30
e. spec blue, as a, silver stripe on sides, or6. Classics series 5 #27 (2009) 10 – 20
f. spec yellow and white, as a, or6. Classics series 5 #27 (2009) 7 – 15
f2. spec yellow and white, as a, ort. Classics series 5 #27 (2009) 20 – 50
 g. mf brown, metal base, black int., yellow windows, red, white, blue and black stars and stripe flames on hood and sides, ct5, Mal. 4th of July series (2010) 10 – 20
h. red, white, and blue, or6, Troy Lee Designs (2012) 75 – 150
i. spec blue and white, chrome metal base, black int., clear windows, green and yellow detailed motorcycles in bed, silver trim, details, ort, Off-road Real Riders, Ch. RLC Real Riders series 11 #6 (2012) 15 – 50
 j. pearl white, metal base, gray int., blue windows, met blue and red stars and stripes on hood and sides, ct, Th. Flying Customs (2013) 4 – 10
 k. mf brown, red, and white, metal base, red int., clear windows, red, yellow, brown, and black Cocoa Puffs design on sides, ortrl, Th. Pop Culture – General Mills (2014) 2 – 5
 l. mf red, metal base, chrome int., w/black painted seats, clear windows, black and orange flames on sides, 7th Annual Mexico convention logo on hood, details, ort/ Mexico 7 Convenciõn, Th. Mexico Convenciõn LE4000 (2014) 35 – 60
 m. yellow, metal base, black int., clear windows,  black and silver stripes and dashes on hood, roof, and sides, “Dirt Track Construction” on sides, ort, Mal. Heritage – Real Riders #17 (2015) 2 – 5
 n. met black and pearl white, chrome metal base, chrome int., clear windows, convention logo on roof, detail,  ort/Thirty Years Rollin’ with HW, Ch. 30th Collectors Convention  #2 LE2600 (2016) 20 – 40
 o. orange, chrome metal base, red  painted chrome int., clear windows, tan roof, multicolor flames and convention logo on sides, details, rror10sp/Cruscher, Ch. 17th Collectors Nationals #3 LE2800 (2017) 25 – 50
 p. tinted chrome. chrome metal base, red int., clear windows, black roof, black, red and silver stripes on sides, detailed bikes and details, rr5sprl, Ch. 2016 sELECTIONs 1 of 1 LE9000 (2017) 20 – 40
 q. spec red and white, chrome metal base, white int., clear windows, reindeer in bed, gold, black, and red “Red Line Club Holiday Delivery” and stripes on sides, details, orr10sp/gd-rim, Ch. RLC Holiday Edition LE9000 (2018) 20 – 40
r. mf brown, metal base, black int., clear windows, brown, orange, white and yellow stripes on sides, rroff52twh, Th. Beach Trucks box set (2022) 3 – 6