The Malaysia made 2-seat sport car has a metal body with plastic base, interior, and windows.
2023: Renamed “2023 Nissan Z”

a. yellow, black base and int., tinted windows, details, pr5gd, Factory Fresh #124 $1 – 2
 b. white, black base and int., tinted windows, details, pr5gd, Factory Fresh #124 $1 – 2
c. yellow, black metal base, black int., tinted windows, details, rrm5sp-bn, Nissan Car Culture 2 Pack (2022) $ 7 – NA
d. mf blue, black base and int., tinted windows, details, j5bk, HW J-Imports #46 (2023) $1 – 2
e. red, black base and int., tinted windows, details, j5gy, HW J-Imports #46 (2023) $1 – 2