Cast in Malaysia this tuner-style car has metal body with a black plastic base, chrome plastic engine and interior, tinted windows.

 a. red, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, black hood, blue and silver Hot Wheels design on sides and hood w/assorted decals, pr5. First Editions #054 1 – 3
 b. chrome orange and black, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, multicolor 2004 Toy Fair design, pr5, Mal. 2004 Toy Fair (2003) 15 – 30
c. mf silver, black base, chrome int., blue windows, blue, white, black and gold design w/“RP”, Hot Wheels, “Police”, “Chase Crew” and “K-9” on sides, pr5bl, Mal. Roll Patrol #184 (2004) 1 – 3
d. mf white, black base, chrome int., clear windows, pink flames w/Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Mal. #174 (2005) 1 – 3
d2. mf white, as d, fte, Mal. #174 (2005)
e. lt. green, chrome base and int., tinted windows, green, red, yellow and white Easter egg design sides and hood , sp5gn, Th. Egg-Clusives #10 (2007) 1 – 3
 f. mf silver, as e, purple windows, red, magenta, blue, and white tampo, 5sp, Th. Easter Eggs-Treme 5-pack (2007) 2 – NA
 g. candy blue, black base, chrome int., red windows, yellow, brown and orange flames on sides, pr5gd, Th. Volcano Shooters 5-pack (2008) 2 – NA