This Malaysia made exotic car has a metal body with plastic base and interior.

 a. black, black base, brown int. white stripes on front. “12” on front and sides. sp10gy, Mal. HW Exotics #203 $1 – 2
b. blue, black base, black int. white stripes on front. “12” on front and sides. sp10gy, Mal. HW Exotics #203 $1 – 2
c. mf gold, black base, black int. white stripes on front and sides, fan5gy, Mal. HW Roadsters #82 (2023) $1 – 2
d. mf red, black base, black int. white stripes on front and sides, fan5gy, Mal. HW Target Red Edition #4 (2023) $2 – 4