This Malaysia made beast has a metal body with a plastic base and interior.
a. flat brown, black base, chrome int., black, white, and orange stripes and “3” on sides, orange os5bk, Track Stars #74 1 – 2
b. flat blue, as a, black, white, and orange stripes and “3” on sides, orange os5bk, Track Stars #74 1 – 2
c. flat black, dk gray base, chrome int., blue and white stripes “68” and “rescue” on roof, and sides, stl8wh rear/ adgy front, Mal. HW Rescue #121 (2022) 1 – 2
d. flat olive, black base, gold chrome int., black, gold, and green stripes “68” and “rescue” on roof, and sides, stl8/gd-rim rear/ adgd front, Mal. HW Rescue #121 (2022) 1 – 2