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Cast in Malaysia this Concept off-road car has a plastic body and interior with a metal base.
Also known as: Dune Crusher.
Land Crusher (a) a. blue, ct5. HW Off- Road – Off Truck #115 $1 – 2
Land Crusher (a2) a2. blue, as a, ct5wh. HW Off- Road – Off Truck #115 $3 – 7
Land Crusher (b) b. orange, black metal base, gray int., lt. blue, white, and black race design w/”L C” and “47” on sides, sp5. HW Off- Road – Off Truck #115 $1 – 2
 c. pearl white, metal base, black int., black and gray stripes on top and sides, red an yellow Hot Wheels logo on sides, olive or6/wh, Mal. HW Off- Road – Jungle Rally #102 (2015) 1 – 2
 d. yellow, as c, black and white stripes on top and sides, red an yellow Hot Wheels logo on sides, or6, Mal. HW Off- Road – Jungle Rally #102 (2015) 1 – 2
 e. mf gray, black metal base, yellow int., black, white, and yellow stripes, Hot Wheels logo and “8” on sides, white or6/yw, Th. Snow Stormers 5-pack (2016) 2 – NA
 f. black, red metal base, white int., white, red, and green stripes, Hot Wheels logo on top, “49” on hood and sides, or6/rd, Mal. HW Daredevils #151TH (2016) 1 – 3
 g. green, satin tan metal base, black int., black, white, and orange stripes, “3” and decals on sides, tan BlOr/bu, Indo. Extreme Race 5-pack (2019) 2 – NA
h. white metal base, brown int., black, brown and red race design w/“68” on sides, brown ct5rd, Mal. Off-road Trucks #1 (2019) 2 – 4
i. red, metal base, black int., black and yellow stripes on top and sides, red white, and yellow Hot Wheels logo on sides, or6, Mal. multi-pack only (2020) 1 – 2
j. pearl red, flat tan metal base, dk. gray int., black, white and yellow design w/”4” on top and sides, tan BlOrbk. Mal. Mystery Models #4 (2020) 2 – NA
k. white, satin black metal base, red int., black, gray and red design on sides, “914 on driver side, gray BlOrbk, Indo. Speed Blur 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
l. purple, yellow metal base, black int., aqua, white, and yellow stripes on roof and sides, “Baja Blazers” and “98” on hood and sides, lt. brown or6sp, Mal. Baja Blazers #182 (2023) 1 – 2
m. blue, lt. brown metal base, black int., orange and yellow stripes on roof and sides, “Baja Blazers” and “98” on hood and sides, lt. brown or6sp, Mal. Baja Blazers #182 (2023) 1 – 2