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This is a Malaysia made custom 1966 Ford Bronco has a metal body with a plastic base and bumper guard, interior, roll cage, and a space tire.
Note: The spare tire was removed in 2016.

Custom Ford Bronco (a) a. mf dk. yellow, red, black base and bumper guard, white int., gray roll cage, white and black design w/”08″ and racing decals on sides, ct5. 2008 New Models #021 $1 – 2
b. white, as a, chrome base, red, gray and black tampo, ct5. 2008 New Models #021 1 – 2
Custom Ford Bronco (b2) b2. white as a, satin chrome base. 2008 New Models #021 3 – 5
b3. white as a, satin chrome base. 2008 New Models #021 3 – 5
Custom Ford Bronco (c) c. mf brown, as a, chrome base, gold int. and roll cage, brown, gold, black and blue design, ct5. 2008 New Models #021 1 – 2
c2. mf brown an c, dk. gold int. and roll cage, ct5. 2008 New Models #021 1 – 2
d. mf blue, gold chrome base, black int., blue-gray roll cage, black, white, and gold design on hood and sides, brown Hot Wheels logo on sides, ct5gd, Mal. Rebel Rides #141 (2009) 1 – 2
d2. mf blue, as d, green Hot Wheels logo on sides, ct5gd, Mal. Rebel Rides #141 (2009) 10 – 20
d3. mf blue, as d, blue Hot Wheels logo on sides, ct5gd, Mal. Rebel Rides #141 (2009) 15 – 30
 e. pearl white, chrome base, black int., orange roll cage, met blue, orange and white design w/ “10” on sides, ct5or, Mal. HW Racing #151 (2010) 1 – 2
Custom Ford Bronco (f) f. red, as e, gray base, and int., pearl white roll cage, ct5, Mal. HW Racing #151 (2010) 1 – 2
Custom Ford Bronco (g) g. mf orange, black base and roll cage, purple int., black, yellow, purple and white design w/”4″ on sides, tan or6 / tan ct5 spare, Th. Desert Race 5-pack (2011) 2 – NA
h. mf green, metal base, white int. and roll cage, white, gold, orange and black, race design, 443 on hood and sides, “Buckin’ Bronco Racing” and decals on sides, rror5, Th. Hot Wheels Racing – Off Road (2012) 5 – 10
Custom Ford Bronco (i) i. matte black, yellow base and roll cage, gray int., yellow, white, red, and blue Hot Wheels design on side, or6/yw, Th. Stunt Circuit 5-pack (2013) 2 – NA
Custom Ford Bronco (f)  j. mf dk. yellow, silver base, black int., orange roll cage, black, white, and orange design w/”Surf Rescue” on sides, os6/rd, Th. Rescue Racers 5-pack (2014) 2 – NA
Custom Ford Bronco (k) k. mf silver, red base, black int. and roll cage, white, blue, and red ribbon design on sides, “Skyjacker Rock Ready” on hoods, ct5rd, Mal. HW Off-Road #121 (2015) 1 – 2
Custom Ford Bronco (l) l. mf red, chrome base, black int., white roll cage, white, black, green and yellow flames and stripes on hood and sides, or6/rd, Mal. HW Daredevils #153 (2016) 1 – 2
Custom Ford Bronco (m) m. green, chrome base, black int. and roll cage, white, black, and red stripes on hood and sides, “88” on sides, BlOr/gd, Mal. Rad Trucks #6 Walmart excl. (2016) 1 – 3
 n. blue, chrome base, black int. silver roll cage, white, black, orange, and yellow flames and stripes on hood and sides, or6, Mal. HW Daredevil #153 (2016) 1 – 2
 o. mf green, as n, black roll cage, white, black, silver, and yellow flames and stripes, or6/rd, Mal. HW Daredevil #153 Kmart excl. (2016) 1 – 2
 p. orange, black base and int. blue roll cage, white, black, orange, and blue waves and stripes on hood and sides, BlOr/wh, Mal. Surf’s Up #140 (2017) 1 – 2
 q. flat purple, as p, gray roll cage, black, white, yellow, and purple design, BlOr/wh, Mal. Surf’s Up #291 (2017) 1 – 2
 r. flat blue, chrome base, black int. and roll cage, blue, black, and white hexagon design on sides, or6/gy, Mal. Camouflage Trucks #5 (2017) 1 – 3
 s. zamac, gray base, black int. green roll cage, white, black, green, and lt green waves and stripes on hood and sides, BlOr/gd, Mal. Surf’s Up Zamac #17 Walmart excl. (2017) 1 – 3
 t. mf green, lt tan base and roll cage, aqua int., black, orange, and white stripes and HWJR” on sides, brown ct5or, Indo. Jungle Rally 5-pack (2018) 2 – NA
 u. red, black base and int. blue roll cage, white, black, and blue stripes and “18” and sides, or6/wh, Th. Ford #5 (2018) 1 – 3
v. flat gray, brown base, black int., lt. green roll cage, black, white, and green design w/”6” on hood and sides, brown, Mal. Off Road Series #2 (2019) 1 – 3
w. flat black, orange base, black int., silver roll cage, yellow, brown, red, and white stripes and “AREK” on hood and sides, BlOr/gd, Mal. HW Hot Trucks #186 TH (2019) 1 – 3
  x. blue, chrome base, black int., gray roll cage, black, gray, and white stripes and “HWGRFX” on hood and sides, BlOr, Mal. Then and Now #163 (2021) 1-2
y. orange, as x, dark gray base, BlOrgy, Mal. Then and Now #163 (2021) 1 – 2
z. red, black base and int., purple roll cage, black and white stripes and “068” on hood and sides, decals on sides, brown BlOr/bk, Mal. Baja Blazers #74 (2022) 1 – 2
aa. yellow as z. white roll cage, black and white stripes and “068” on hood and sides, decals on sides, brown BlOr/bk, Mal. Baja Blazers #74 Dollar General excl. (2022) 1 – 3
ab. mf purple, black chrome base, gray roll cage, black int., black and gold stripes and “23” on hood and sides, tan ct5bk, Mal. Baja 4×4 #2 (2023) 2 – 4