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This Malaysia model is an open cockpit long nose race car it has a metal body and base, plastic interior and windshield.

Corvette Sting Ray (a) a. silver, metal base, gray int., tinted windshield, details, sp5. 2003 First Editions, #015
a2. silver, as a, no plastic headrest. 2003 First Editions #015
a3 silver as a, ho5, 2003 First Editions #015
b. mf gold, metal base, blue int., tinted windshield, multicolor design w/”Wave Rippers” on hood, “7” on hood and sides, Hot Wheels Highway 35 logo on trunk, cm5wh/bl-rim, Th. World Race #7 (2003)
Corvette Sting Ray (c)c. mf lt. green, metal base, black int., tinted windshield, yellow, white and black design w/Hot Wheels logo on sides, flames on sides and top, “6” on hood and trunk, sp5, Ch. Pride Ride #173 (2004)
c2. mf lt. green, as c, no plastic headrest, sp5, Ch. Pride Ride #173 (2004) lt. green, as c, sp5, Mal. Pride Ride #173 (2004)
c4. mf lt. green, as c, silver painted base, sp5, Mal. Pride Ride series, #173 Factory-Sealed set (2004)  5 – 10
d. mf red, metal base, black int., tinted windshield, red, silver and black design w/racing stripes and Hot Wheels logo on top. w/details, sp5, Ch. Corvette 5-pack (2006)
Corvette Sting Ray (e) e. mf orange, metal base, black int., tinted windshield, black and white flames on top, sp5, Mal. Mystery #172 (2007)
e2. mf orange, as e, silver metal base, sp5, Mal. Mystery #172 Factory set (2007) 10 – NA
Corvette Sting Ray (f) f. satin blue, metal base, white int., orange windshield, red, white, and black stars and stripes w/ “7” on hood and sides, sp10, Mal. 4th of July (2010) 2 -3
g. satin red, metal base, black int., clear windshield, white, and black stripes and “59” on hood, trunk and sides, tarrbk/ch-rim, Mal. Hot Wheels Garage – GM #12 (2011) 2 -4
Corvette Sting Ray (h)h. blue, metal base, gray int., yellow windshield, white and silver stripes and flames w/ “3” and “Hot Wheels” on sides, sp10gd, Th. Corvette 5-pack (2012) 2 – NA
Corvette Sting Ray (i) i. dk. green, silver plastic base and int., clear windshield, green and white stripes on top, sp5, Mal. HW Showroom – Corvette 60th #203 (2013) 1 – 2
i2. mc5????
Corvette Sting Ray (j) j. mf purple, as i, pink, gray, and white stripes on top, sp5, Mal. HW Showroom – Corvette 60th #203 (2013) 1 – 2
k. black, chrome base, red int., tinted windshield, white stripes and “2” on top and sides, “HW Speed Shop” and decals on sides, sp5, Indo. Corvette 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
l. white, chrome base, black int., tinted windshield, red stripes and “70” on top and sides, sp5, Mal. Corvette 70 #2 (2023) 2 – 4