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This Malaysia made Cockney Cab has a plastic body, windows, grille, bumpers, engine exhaust, and interior with the Hot Wheels logo in base, and a metal base.

a. black, metal base, chrome windows and exhaust, orange air intake and Hot Wheels logo on front fender, pr5. 2005 First Edition #017 $2 – 6
Cockney Cab II (a2) a2. black, as a, black air intake, sp5, 2005 First Edition #017
a3. black as, a, smooth license plate, sp5. 2005 2 – 4
b. chrome, black metal base, black air intake, blue chrome windows and exhaust, blue, red and black British flag design on roof and sides, writing on license plate, medium rear wheel, os5, Mal. Chrome Burnez #068 (2006) 1 – 3
b2. chrome, as b, smooth license plate, os5, Mal. Chrome Burnez #068 (2006) 1 – 4
b3. chrome, as b, blue chrome windows and exhaust, writing on license plate, large rear wheels os5, Mal. Chrome Burnez #068 (2006) 1 – 4
b4. chrome, as b, blue chrome windows and exhaust, smooth license plate, large rear wheels os5, Mal. Chrome Burnez #068 (2006) 1 – 4
b4. chrome, as b, black windows, blue chrome exhaust, writing on license plate, larger rear wheels, os5, Mal. Chrome Burnez #068 (2006) 1 – 4
b5. chrome, as b, black windows, blue chrome exhaust, smooth license plate, larger rear wheels, os5, Mal. Chrome Burnez #068 (2006) 1 – 4
Cockney Cab II (b6) b6. chrome, as b, black windows and  exhaust, smooth license plate, larger rear wheels, os5, Mal. Chrome Burnez #068 (2006) 1 – 4
Cockney Cab II (c) c. flat gray, black metal base, black air intake, chrome windows, exhaust and grille, red and black stripes on sides, sp5rd, Mal. V-Drop Track set (2006) 5 – NA
Cockney Cab II (d) d. silver, as c, black air intake, windows, chrome exhaust, sp5rd, Mal. V-Drop Track set (2006) 10 – NA
d2, silver, as c, chrome air intake, windows, and exhaust, sp5rd, V-Drop Track set (2006) 10 – NA
e. mf gold, black base, chrome windows, black engine scoop, black, white and gold design on roof and sides w/”Taxi” on sides, sp5, Mal. Taxi Rods #049 (2007) 1 – 3
e2. mf transparent gold, as e, sp5, Mal. Taxi Rods #049 (2007) 2 – 6
Cockney Cab II (f) f. dk. red, metal base, tinted int. and windows, chrome engine, black, gray and white design on sides and roof w/”Bone Yard Cab Co.” and “1031” on roof, os5, Th. Scary Cars 5-pack (2008) 2 – NA
 g. mf yellow, as f, os5, Th. Fright Cars (2008) 1 – 3
Cockney Cab II (h) h. green, metal base, black windows, chrome engine, black, white and orange design w/”24hr” and “Taxi” on sides, os5, Mal. HW City Works #112 (2009) 1 – 2
Cockney Cab II (h2) h2. green, as h, red replaces orange in design, tinted windows, gray engine, os5Ch. Super 6-Lane Raceway (2011) 3 – NA
i. gold, as h. os5, Mal. HW City Works #112 (2009) 1 – 2i
Cockney Cab II (j) j. black, as h, chrome windows, gold chrome engine, black, yellow and orange design os5, Mal. HW City Works #112 (2009) 1 – 2
Cockney Cab II (k) k. mf blue, as h, tinted windows, gold chrome engine, black, ivory, and olive design os5rd, Mal. multi-pack and playsets (2012) 3 – NA
Cockney Cab II (k2) k2. mf blue, as k, pr5rd, Mal. multi-pack and playsets (2012) 3 – NA
Cockney Cab II (l) l. black and red, metal base, chrome engine and windows, red, white, and blue design and “Taxi” on sides, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW City – HW City Works #8 (2015) 1 – 2
Cockney Cab II (m) m. pearl blue and lt. blue, as l, pr5bk/rd-rim, Mal. HW City – HW City Works #8 (2015) 1 – 2
Cockney Cab II (n) n. green and pearl white, metal base, chrome engine and windows, black, brown, red, and white design and “Tom and Jerry” on sides, pr5bk/gn-rim, Mal. Tom and Jerry #1 (2015) 1 – 2
Cockney Cab II (o) o. burgundy and pearl white, metal base, chrome engine and windows, red, silver, and blue design and “Taxi” on sides, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. multi-pack only (2016) 2 – NA
 p. pearl white and lime green, metal base, purple engine and windows, tan, purple, black, and white design in hood and sides, John Lennon portrait on sides, pr5, Mal. The Beatles Yellow Submarine #2 (2016) 1 – 3
 q. blue, as k, os5gd, Ch. multi-car playsets (2017) 3 – NA
 r. black and lt. blue, metal base, chrome windows, black, white, and yellow, stripes and “Taxi” on sides, pr5gd, Th. HW Works 5-pack (017) 2 – NA
 r2. black and lt. blue, as r, sp5gd, Indo.. HW Works 5-pack (017) 2 – NA
 s. pearl blue and white metal base, chrome windows, silver red and black Lock, Shock and Barrel characters on hood and sides, sp5rd, Indo. The Nightmare Before Christmas 25 Anni. #7 (2018) 1 – 3
 t. red and blue, flat black metal base, chrome windows, white, blue, and red Spider-Man design and “Spider-Man” on sides, sp5wh, Indo. Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse #1 (2018) 1 – 3
 u. purple and green, metal base, chrome windows, green, white, purple and black “The Joker” on sides, sp5pu, Indo. Batman 5-pack (2019) 2 – NA v. blue and white, red metal base, chrome windows, white panel on hood, blue and red “Cockney” on sides, sp5, Mal. Throwback orange stripe #2 (2019) 1 – 3
v. blue and white, red metal base, chrome windows, white panel on hood, blue and red “Cockney” on sides, sp5, Mal. Throwback orange stripe #2 (2019) 1 – 3
w. blue and red, metal base, chrome windows, white, red and blue stripes on hood, British flag design and “Taxi” on sides, ad, Mal. HW Metro#102 (2022) 1 – 2
x. blue and white, metal base, chrome windows, white, red and blue stripes on hood, British flag design and “Taxi” on sides, ad, Mal. HW Metro#102 (2022) 1 – 2