This is a Malaysia made model of the Batmobile used in first movie has a plastic body and windows, a metal base, exhaust and intake.
Also known as: ’89 Batmobile

 a. flat black, metal base, exhaust and intake, black windows, orange turn signals, red taillights, sp5. 2004 First Editions #031 (2004)
a2. flat black, as a, silver painted base, 2004 First Editions #031 Factory set (2004)  5 – 10
b. dk. blue, metal base, exhaust and intake, blue tinted windows, silver and blue flame design on hood, sp5bk, Th. Batman 5-pack (2004)
b2. dk. blue, as b, sp5, Th. Batman 5-pack (2004)
c. black, metal base, exhaust and intake, black int., clear windows, orange turn signals, red taillights, sp5, Th. Penguin entertainment 2-pack (2004)
c2. black, as c, sp5, Mal. Penguin entertainment 2-pack (2004)
d. flat black, metal base, exhaust and intake, black windows, yellow fog lights, red taillights, pr5bk, Th. Mr. Freeze entertainment 2-pack (2005)
d2. flat black, as d, orange fog lights, sp5. Mr. Freeze entertainment 2-pack (2005)
e. black, metal base, exhaust and intake, black windows, yellow and black Batman logo on roof, sp5, Th. Monster Duo Batman (2010) 3 – 6
Batmobile (1st movie) (f) f. black, flat black base, black int., blue windows, red tail lights, pr5gy, Mal. HW Imagination – Batman #81 (2013) 1 – 2
Batmobile (1st movie) (g) g. black. flat black metal base, black int., red windows, red stripes on top, pr5bk/rd-rim. Mal. HW City –  Batman #62 (2015) 1 – 3
Batmobile (1st movie) (h) h. satin black, satin black metal base, gray int., black windows, details, rr5sptint, Mal. Retro Entertainment – Batman (2015) 2 – 5
Batmobile (1st movie) (i) i. tinted chrome, flat black metal base, black int., yellow windows,  yellow stripes on top, pr5bk/yw-rim. Mal. HW City –  Batman #62 (2015) 1 – 3
 j. pearl gray, flat gray metal base, gray int., blue windows, details, pr5bk/gy-rim, Mal. batman #134 (2017) 1 – 3
 k. dk gray, flat black metal base, black int., blue windows, red and silver stripes on top, sp5gy, Mal. Batman #62 (2018) 1 – 2
 l. gray, black metal base and int., red windows, pr5gy, Th. Batman series #1 (2018) 1 – 3
 m. pearl blue, as k, sp5gy, Mal. Batman TH (2018) 1 – 2
 n. chrome, flat black base, black int., tinted windows, sp5al, Th. Batman #5 (2019) 1 – 3
 o. satin black, as h, rr5sptint, Th. HW Premium – DC Cinematic (2019) 2 – 5
p. satin black, comes with satin black armor-up cover, satin black metal base, gray int., black windows, details, rr5sp/tint, Th. Batman 80 Years – San Diego Comic-Con (2019) 30 – 60
q. spec black, clear yellow base, tinted windows, Batman logo on sidewz, id5bk, Mal. Hot Wheels id (2020) 5 – 8
r. black, metal base, black int., yellow windows, blue pinstripes on hood, sp5/ch-rim, Mal. Batman #4 (2021) 1 – 2
s. flat black, flat black metal base, black int., tinted windows, detailed front and rear, silver accents, rr5spgn, Indo. Batman 5-car set (2022) 7 – NA
** Rereleased in 2023 as part of the Entertainment Series Mix 1 (2023) 3 – 7
t. gold, flat black metal base, black int., tinted windows, black pinstripes on top, sp5bk, Mal. Batman Themed series #4 (2023) 2 – 4
u. dk gray, flat black metal base, black int., orange windows, orange stripes on top and sides, sp5/or-rim, Mal. Batman #103 (2023) 1 – 2
v. white, flat black metal base, black int., purple windows, black stripes on top and sides, sp5/pu-rim, Mal. Batman #103 (2023) 1 – 2