This Thailand made BMW has a metal body and base with a plastic interior and windows.
a. pearl white, metal base, black int. with roll cage, clear windows, red, blue, and black stripes and “3” on hood and sides, decals on sides, e5rrgd. Hot Wheels Racing – Road Racer $15 – 25
b. met gray, black base and int., brown windows, black, red, and blue stripes on hood and sides, lwgd, Mal. HW Showroom – HW All Stars #172 (2013) 1 – 2
b2. met gray, as b, int. with right-hand drive and roll cage, lwgd, Mal. HW Showroom – HW All Stars #172 (2013) 10 – 20
c. mf blue, as b, gray base, ivory int., clear windows, red, and blue stripes pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Showroom – HW All Stars #172 (2013) 2 – 4
d. red, gray base, black int., blue windows, silver, black, red, and blue stripes on hood and sides, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW All Stars #195 (2014) 1 – 2
d2. red as d, black int. with roll cage, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW All Stars #195 intl. sc (2014) 2 – 5
d3. red as d, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW All Stars #195 (2014) 5 – 10
d3. red as d, mc5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW All Stars #195 (2014) 9 – 18
e. mf white, as d, blue int., blue replaces silver in stripes, pr5bk/wh-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW All Stars #195 Kmart excl. (2014) 1 – 3
e2. mf white, as d, right-hand driver int., pr5bk/wh-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW All Stars #195 Kmart excl. (2014) 10 – 25
f. pearl white, black base and int., tinted windows, blue and red hood and sides, pr5bk/wh-rim, Mal. BMW series #2 (2016) 1 – 2
g. white, metal base, black int., tinted windows, green and black Polizei design on hood and sides, rrmcbk/ch-rim, Mal. Car Culture – Euro Style #3 (2016) 2 – 5
h. dk. blue, metal base, dk gray int., clear windows, blue and red stripes on roof and sides, rrabk, Th. Car Culture Modern Classics #2 (2017) 2 – 4
i. red, black metal base, black int., tinted windows, “Supreme” on sides, rr6ta, Th. Car Culture – Team Transport Supreme excl. (2019) 100 – 150
j. white, black base and int., tinted windows, silver stripes hood and sides, “Forza Horizon 4” on sides, lwgy, Th. Forza Horizon 4 #1 (2019) 1 – 2
k. white, black base and int., blue windows, green stripes and “Polizei” on hood and sides, pr5/wh, HW Rescue #207 (2020) 1 – 2
l. zamac, as k, blue stripes and “Polizei” on hood and sides, pr5/wh, HW Rescue #207 Zamac #13 (2020) 1 – 2
m. black, flat black metal base, black int. , tinted windows, details, rrmc, Modern Classics #2 (2022) 3 – 7
n. satin black, black base, silver int., clear windows, red, blue and white stripes and “2” on hood and sides, sp10wh, Mal. Mystery Models #2 (2022) 3 – NA
o. flat black, gold chrome base, red int., tinted windows, red and yellow stripes and Hot Wheels logo on sides, y5gd, Mal. 55th Anniversary Series #2 (2023) 2 – 5