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This Malaysia made 70 Plymouth Superbird has a metal body with a plastic base, interior with the Hot Wheels logo in the base, and windows.

a. green, chrome base, black int., clear windows, flat black roof and headlights covers, w/side markers and “Plymouth” on sides, sp5. 2006 First Editions #001 $2 – 4
a2. green, as a, gloss black roof, sp5, 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 2 – 5
 a3. green, as a. sp10, 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 5 – 15
 a4. green, as a. fte, 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 2 – 5
 b. mf yellow, as a, sp10, Mal. 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 2 – 3
b2. mf yellow, as b. sp5, 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 5 – 20
b3. mf yellow, as b. fte, 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 2 – 8
 c. mf blue, as a, sp5, Mal. 2006 First Editions #001 (2006)  2 – 4
 c2. mf blue, as c. sp10, 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 2 – 5
 d. mf dk. orange, as a, pr5, Mal. 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 2 – 5
d2. mf dk. orange, as d sp10, 2006 First Editions #001 (2006) 15 – 45
e. mf blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, flat black roof, details, “Plymouth” on rear fender and rear, rrrl, Mal. Holiday Rods (2006) 5 – 10
f. mf gold, as e. rrrl, Holiday Rods (2006) 5 – 10
g. mf red, as e, rrrl, Holiday Rods (2006) 5 – 10
h. mf magenta, as e, no black roof, rrrl, Holiday Rods (2006) 5 -10
 i. spec lt. blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, black and white tampo w/“68” on roof and sides, “426 c.i.” on hood, “Plymouth” and racing decals on sides, sp5gyt, Th. Classics series 3 #25 (2007) 5 – 10
 j. spec green, as i, sp5gyt, Th. Classics series 3 #25  (2007) 5 – 10
 k. spec red, as i, sp5gyt, Classics series 3 #25 (2007)  5 – 10
 l. spec gold, as i, sp5gyt, Classics series 3 #25 (2007) 5 – 10
 m. spec orange, as i, sp5gyt, Classics series 3 #25  (2007) 5 – 10
n. spec dk. olive, metal base, gray int., blue windows, black “Plymouth” and Roadrunner logo on sides, rrbkrlgyt, Ch. HWC Real Riders #4 (2007) 15 – 30
 o. mf white, chrome base, black int., clear window, gloss black roof, “Plymouth” on fender, sp5, Since ’68, 40th Anniversary 40-pack (2007) 5 – NA
 p. mf silver, black base, chrome int., red windows, red “Plymouth” on sides, sp5, Th. Valentine’s Day 6-car pack (2008) 2 – 6
 q. mf lt. blue, chrome base, gray int., clear windows, black, white, and red design w/“12”, “North Carolina” and decals on sides,”12” and “Esse Quam Videri” on hood, sp5rd, Mal. Connect Cars #12 (2009) 40 – 60
 r. satin green, gray base, white int., clear windows, white and green panels w/dk. green “Plymouth” on sides, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #087 (2010) 1 – 2
r2. satin green, os5, Mal. Muscle Mania #087 (2010) 15 – 30
 s. pearl white, as r, chrome base, orange and black panels, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #087 (2010) 1 – 2
s2. pearl white, as s, os5, Mal. Muscle Mania #087 (2010) 15 – 40
 t. mf yellow, as r, chrome base, white and red design on sides, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania #087 (2010) 1 – 2
u. lt blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, black, white, red, and yellow race design, “43” on roof, sides, and trunk, “426C.I.” on hood, “Plymouth” and decals on sides, rrscgygyt, Th. Vintage Racing #23 (2011) 25 – 50
v. mf purple, chrome base, white int., clear windows, white stripes on sides, “426C.I.” on hood, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania – Mopar #88 (2012) 1 – 2
w. lt. green, as v, black int., black design, mc5, Mal. Muscle Mania – Mopar #88 (2012) 1 – 2
 x. orange, chrome base, black int., clear windows, black and gold stripes on sides, os5or, Th. Muscle Mania 5-pack (2013) 2 – NA
 y. mf aqua, chrome base, black int., clear windows, red, white, red, and yellow race design w/”33″ and decals on sides, sp5rd, Mal. HW Workshop – Muscle Mania #229 (2015) 1 – 3
 z. spec aqua, as y, added tampo on hood and roof, scrrrd, Mal. HW Workshop – Muscle Mania #229 (2015) 10 – 25
aa. mf brown, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, blue and white design w’”8”, “Walldogs” and decals on sides, sp5bu, Mal. Mystery Models #8 (2019) 2 – NA
ab. satin silver, gold chrome base, gold int., blue windows, gold and orange stripes on sides, stl8/gd, Mal. Satin & Chrome #6 (2019) 1 – 3
ac. blue and orange, metal base black int., clear windows, orange, white, and blue Union 76 race design decals on sides, rrgygyt, Th. Team Transport #18 (2020) 6 – 15
ad. mf blue, black base, dk. gray int., blue windows, stl8rd, Indo. HW Flames 5-pack (2020) 2 – NA
ae. dk. blue, black base, dk. gray int., tinted windows, white gray and gols stripes “52” and decals on sides, stl8gd, Indo. Happy Birthday 5-pack, Indonesia factory employee excl. (2020) 20 – NA
af. yellow, metal base, black int., clear windows, black roof, “Plymouth” on sides, details, rrstl, Th. (2022)  Boulevard #33 3 – 6
ag. orange/blue, as ac, Th. Car Culture Union 76 2-pack (2022) 7 – NA
ah. blue, chrome base, white int., blue windows, red, white, and yellow stripes, “70”, and Hot Wheels logo on sides , stl8/rd-rim, Indo. HW Race Team 5-pack. (2022) 2 – NA