This Malaysia made Ford has a metal body with a plastic base int., and windows.

'70 Ford Escort RS1600 (a) a. blue, blue base, chrome int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and sides, sp5cp. HW Workshop – HW Garage #221NM $2 – 4
 b. white,  as a, white base, blue windows, blue design,  sp5. HW Workshop – HW Garage #221 2 – 4
 c. red, chrome int., tinted windows, white and green “Castrol” and”12″ on hood and sides, sp5wh, Mal. HW Speed Graphics # 185 (2016) 1 – 3
 d. white, as c, red and green design, sp5, Mal. HW Speed Graphics # 185 (2016) 1 – 3
 e. yellow as a, gray base, tinted windows, black stripes on hood and sides, lw, Mal. multi-pack only (2017) 2 – NA
 f. mf blue, blue base, chrome int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and sides, mc5cp, Th. Fast & Furious #6 (2017) 1 – 3
 g. satin blue orange base, black int., clear windows, yellow, red, and white Hot Wheels race design stripes on hood and trunk, “10” on hood and sides, 50L, Mal. HW 50th Race Team #335 (2018) 1 – 3
h. spec blue, as g, Mal. HW 50th Race Team $TH (2018) 10 – 30
 i. mf blue, metal base, silver int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and sides, rr8tatn, Th. Fast & Furious Fast Imports #3 (2019) 3 – 6
 j. ivory, pearl white base, black int., tinted windows, black, red, and gold stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, “3” on hood and sides, decals on sides, Gum Ball 3000 logo on hood, sp5, Mal. HW Race Day #102 (2019) 1 – 2
k. black, as j, black base, chrome int., red, white, and silver design, sp5, Mal. HW Race Day #102 (2019) 1 – 2
l. mf blue, blue base, chrome int., tinted windows, white stripes on hood and sides, sp5cp, Indo. Fast & Furious 5-pack (2019) 2 – NA
m. spec lt. blue, clear blue base, chrome int., tinted windows, white stripes on hood and sides, id5cpwl, Mal. Hot Wheels id (2019) 3 – 7
n. orange, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, black, lt blue and white stripes decals and “7” on hood and sides, mc5/wh-rim, Mal. Baja Blazers (2020) 1 – 2
o. spec orange, as n, mc5/wh-rim, Hot Wheels id (2020) 1 – 2
p. black, metal base, gold int., clear windows, gold pinstripes “16 and “Ford on hood and sides, rrtagd, Th. Car Culture #5 (2020) 3 – 6
q. white, black metal base, gray int., tinted windows, black hood, blue stripes on sides, “16” on hood and sides, rrta8bu, Th. Ford Race Team 4-car set (2021) $7 – NA
r. mf blue, chrome base, gray int., tinted windows, blue, orange, red, and white stripes decals and “3” on hood and sides, lwgd, Indo. Nightburnerz 5 pack (2021) 2 – NA
s. white, black metal base, black int., clear windows, blue, red, and yellow stripes on hood, roof, and sides, rrtagd, Th. Boulevard #57 (2022) 3 – 7
t. lt blue, gray base, black int., tinted windows, blue checkerboard on roof and sides, green and white stripes on hood and sides and “4” on hood and sides, sp5wh, Mal. Rally Champs #244 (2022) 1 – 2