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This Malaysia made roadster-style racer has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and roll cage.

 a. white, gray base, blue int., black roll cage, red and blue stripes on hood trunk and sides, “13” on hood and sides, sp5. Night Burnerz #86 $1 – 2
 b. yellow, metal base, black int., black and red stripes and “25” on top and sides, tarr, Mal. HW Redliners #5 (2016) 2 – 5
 c. candy blue. white base, blue int., silver roll cage, red, yellow, and white Hot Wheels race design, “69 on hood and sides, sp5gy, Mal. HW Race Team #352 (2017) 1 – 2
d. red, white base, silver int., black roll cage, black and white stripes and “4” on top and sides, sp5, Mal. HW Race Day #173 (2019) 1 – 2
e. spec red, as d, rrta8gd/ch-rim, Mal. HW Race Team #352$TH (2019) 1 – 2
f. spec blue, tinted base, black int., blue roll cage, gold, black, orange and white Hot Wheels race design on hood, trunk and sides, “69” on hood and sides, id5/bu-rim/yl, Mal. Hot Wheels id (2019) 4 – 8