This Thailand made Ford stock Car has a metal body and base, plastic interior with roll bar, and windows.
Also known as: ’65 Ford Galaxie (2012).
a. orange, metal base, black int., clear windows, yellow, black, red, and white race design, “Imai Motors” on sides, “36” on roof and sides, “Ford 427 C.I. on hood, decals, rrscyw. Vintage Racing #17 $3 – 5
b. mf gray and red, w/black, white and red race design w/“23” on roof and sides, “427C.I.” on hood, “Arellano Engineering”, decals on sides, rrscbkfs. Vintage Racing #20 (2011) 3 – 5
c. cream, metal base, black int., clear windows, black, white and red race design w/“26” on roof and sides, “427C.I.” on hood, decals on sides, rrscbkgyt, Th. Vintage Racing #29 (2011) 3 – 5
d. mf red, metal base, black int., clear windows, white and black race design w/”121″ on roof and sides, “260 H.P.” on hood, “Augusta Motor Sales” and decals on sides, rrscbkgyt, Th. Hot Wheels Racing – Stockcar (2012) 2 – 5
e. spec aqua, white roof, chrome metal base, white int., clear windows, silver “Galaxie 500” on sides, details, neo, Mal. RLC Neo-Classics series 12 LE4500 (2014) 10 – 20
f. specfst lt. blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, red, silver, and red race design with stripes on hood and trunk, “Far Out Galaxie” and decals on sides, slt5, Th. Cool Classics #16 (2014) 2 – 4
g. gulf blue and orange, metal base, dk. gray int., clear windows, black and white ’65 and decals on hood and sides, rrsc, Th. 50 Favorites #10 (2018) 3 – 6
h. mf dk. green, chrome base, silver int., green windows, green and white flames and “20” on sides, sp5gn, Mal. HWE Flames #221 (2020) 1 – 2
i. spec black, as h, XXX, Mal. HWE Flames #221 (2020) 15 – 25
j. yellow, chrome base, black int., clear windows, black, red, and white stripes hood trunk and sides, “21” on roof and sides, “427c.i.” on hood, decals on sides, stl8bk, Mal. Muscle Mania #240 (2021) 1 – 2
k. spec green, metal base, black int., tinted windows, red, yellow, and white stripes on top and sides, “4” and Hot Wheels logo on sides, Mal. Collectors Edition #4 (2021) 12 – 25
l. white, metal base, black int., tinted windows, blue stripes on top, “427C.I.” on hood. “Ford” and decals on sides, rrsc, Th. Team Transport #38 (2022) 6 – NA