This Malaysia made model has a metal body, plastic base, interior, and windows.
Note: Retooled in 2009.

a. white, pink plastic base and int., clear windows, pink, lt. green, and blue design, bw. #106 $45 – 55
b. red, black base, tan int., red, white, and black stripes w/Volkswagen logo and “GTi” on sides, bw, #106 6 – 8
c.  met silver, black base, yellow int., yellow and red flames, white and red Getty logo, bw. Getty promo, in baggy (1992) 3 – NA
d. black, green glitter, chrome base, yellow int., yellow windows, bw, #183 (1992) 20 – 35
e. pink, silver glitter, chrome base, yellow int., yellow windows, bw, Mal. #183 (1992) 8 – 12
e2. pink, as e, black base, bw (1992) 3 – 5
f.  mf black, black base, red int., clear windows, yellow Hot Wheels logo on rear window, sp5, Ch. #474 (1996) 2 – 3
f2. mf black, as f, yellow and red “Fahrvergnügen ” and outline of driver on sides, sp5, Ch. #474 (1997) 2 – 3
 f3. mf black, as f2, lw, Ch. #474 (1997) 2 – 3
 g. mf white, chrome base, black interior, red windows, red and black stripes on side, sp10, Th. Volkswagen 5-pack (2009) 2 – NA
 h. red, black base and int., clear windows, black and gold stripes on hood and sides, “Happy Holidays” on sides, y5gd, Th. Holiday Hot Rod #8 Walmart  (2014) 1 – 3
 h2. red, as h, pr5gd, Th. Holiday Hot Rod #8 Walmart (2014) 1 – 3
 i. orange, black base, and int., tinted windows, black, silver, and white stripes on top and sides, sp10, Mal. Then and Now #95 (2018) 1 – 2
 j. yellow, as i, black, red, and orange stripes on top and sides, stl8/cp, Mal. Then and Now #171 (2018) 1 – 2
 k. mf teal, black base and int., tinted windows, black and gray hood and stripes on sides, pr5gy, Mal. Volkswagen #68 (2019) 1 – 2
l. mf dk. blue, as k, silver int., silver and red design, pr5, Mal. Volkswagen #68 (2019) 1 – 2
m. lt. blue, black base, silver int., tinted windows, brown, white, orange, and blue splash, stripes and”2” on hood and sides, “Hot Wheels Safari Rally” on hood, VW logo on sides, brown slt5/wh-rim, Mal. Mystery Models #2 (2020) 3 – NA
n. mf olive, black base and int., tinted windows, black, white and lt. green stripes and “22” on hood and sides, decals on sides, lw, Mal. Street Racers #3 (2021) 1 – 3
o. red, black base and int., tinted windows, black hood, black and white stripes on sides, lwwh, Mal. Volkswagen #8 (2022) 1 – 3
p. mf blue, black base and int., clear windows, black and white stripes on hood and sides, adwh, Mal. Multi pack exclusive (2023) 2 – NA
q. orange, black base and int., clear windows, black stripes on hood and sides, adgd, Mal. Multi pack exclusive (2023) 2 – NA