This Malaysia made supercharged delivery van has a metal body, with a plastic base, interior, and windows.
 a. flat blue, black base and int., tinted windows, red, black, and white design w/”Hot Wheels Tire Shop and “Fastest Mobile Tire Service” on sides, mc5bk/wh-rim rear / mc5bk/rd-rim font. HW City Works #312 (2017) 1 – 2
 b. mf burnt orange. yellow base, black it., tinted windows, yellow, black, and white design w/”Pizza” on sides, ra6gn, Mal. HW Metro #248 (2018) 1 – 2
c. mf gold, chrome base, red int., red windows, black, red, silver and tan “Thor” and design on sides, pr5rd, Th. Marvel – Avengers #5 (2019) 1 – 3
d. spec black, purple tinted base, black int., aqua windows, silver, blue and white stripes on hood and sides, “Shiftndrift” and on sides, “SND 27” on hood, id5cp, Mal. HWid Drift Domination (2020) 4 – 7