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This Malaysia made 2-seat custom sports car has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows.
 a. candy blue, black base, gray int., tinted windows, met blue, white, red and flat black design on hood and sides, decals on sides, mc5gy. HW Speed Graphics #184. $1 – 3
 b. black, red base, dk gray int., clear windows, red and white rally design w/”14″ on hood, mc5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Nightburnerz #357 (2017) 1 – 3
 b2. black, as b, Hot Wheels logo and “TH” on trunk, rrtagy/or-rim, Mal. Nightburnerz STH (2017) 10 – 30
 c. lemon yellow body and base, black int., clear windows, details, rrcl4, Th. Japan Histories #3 (2018) 3 – 6
 d. white, white base, black int., tinted windows, red, blue and black stripes on hood and sides, “94” on hood “GReddy” on sides, lw, Mal. HW Speed Graphics #154 (2018) 1 – 2
 e. red, as d, red base, white, gray and black design, stl8/ch, Mal. HW Speed Graphics #244 (2018) 1 – 2
 f. yellow, yellow base, black int., tinted windows, black stripes on hood and sides, sp5bk, Mal. Nissan #54  (2019) 1 – 2
g. blue, as f, blue base, sp5, Mal. Nissan 54 (2019) 1 – 2
h. white and red, white metal base, black itn., tinted windows, black “23″ on hood and sides, details, rrsltbk, Th. Car Culture – Team Transport #11 (2019) 10 – 20
i. mf dk. gray, mf metal base, black int., tinted windows, black hood and design on sides, details, rrcl4gy/ch-rim, Th. Fast & Furious Fast Rewind #4 (2019) 3 – 6
j. white and red, white metal base, black int., tinted windows, red stripes on sides, details, rrta6wh, Th. Nissan 4-car set (2020) 15 – NA
k. white, black base, silver int.,, blue windows, black stripes on hood and sides, stl8bk, Mal. Police #2 (2020) 1 – 3
l. satin yellow, yellow base, black int., Blue windows, blue, orange and white stripes on hood and sides, “21” on sides, mc5/or-rim, Mal. Spring #2 (2020) 2 – 4
m. spec gold, tinted base, black int., blue int., black and silver stripes and “23” on top and sides, id5/ch-rimwl, Mal. Hot Wheels id (2021) 4 – 7
n. lemon yellow body and base, black int., clear windows, details, rrcl4, Th. Nissan Car Culture 2 Pack (2022) $7 – NA
o. mf orange, black base and int.,, tinted windows, black stripes on hood and sides, “80” on roof and sides, sp5/wh-rim, Indo. Nisan 5-pack (2023) 2 – NA
p. spec. green, gray base, black int.,, tinted windows, black stripes with white and yellow designs on hood and sides, uh, Mal. Ultra Hots #7, Target Excl. (2023) 2 – 4