This Malaysia made monster truck based off the popular Dairy Delivery casting has a metal body, plastic base, interior with shocks and window.
Also known as: Dairy Delivery
a. pearl white, or6/gn. 2012 New Models #28 $1 – 2
b. black, yellow os3, Th. Team Hot Wheels intl (2013) 15 – 30
c. red, ct5, Mal. HW Off-Road – HW Daredevils #122 (2014) 1 – 3
d. mf silver, black base, blue int., green windows, blue, green, and black stars and stripes on sides, or6/gn, Mal. HW Off-Road – HW Daredevils #122 (2014) 1 – 3
e. lt blue, black base and int., yellow windows, blue, plum, yellow, and white stripes splash, Hot Wheels logo w/”Monster Dairy Delivery” on sides, ct5, Mal. HW Off-Road – HW Hot Trucks #118 (2015) 1 – 2
f. mf green, black base, red int., red windows, blue, plum, yellow, and white stripes splash, Hot Wheels logo w/”Monster Dairy Delivery” on sides, or6/rd, Mal. Stunt Devil 5-pack (2015) 2 – NA
g. candy blue, white base and int., purple windows, pink, yellow, black, and white flames on roof and sides, “Easter, Easter, Easter” on sides, or6/or, Mal. Easter #2 (2016) 1 – 3
h. satin red, white base, gold int., green windows, black, ivory, red, and black scallops on roof and sides “Holiday Hot Wheels” on sides, green or6/wh, Mal. Holiday Hot Rods #1 (2016) 1 – 3
i. dk red, blue base, yellow int., blue windows, blue, lt. blue yellow, and pink on roof and sides, “C” on roof, silver or6/rb, Mal. HW Art Cars #62 (2017) 1 – 2
j. candy blue, green base, orange int., pink windows, lt. blue, dk. orange, and white on roof and sides, “C” on roof, silver or6/rb, Mal. HW Art Cars #161 (2017) 1 – 2
k. orange plastic, metal base, gray int., tinted windows, yellow, black, and white, Minion design on sides, or6. Th. The Minions #6 Kroger’s excl. (2017) 1 – 3
l. mf green, black base, gold int., yellow windows, black, yellow, and white design w/ Hot Wheels logo and “Happy New Year 2018” BlOr/gd, Mal. Holiday Racers #76 (2018) 1 – 2
m. white, white base, gray int., orange windows, black, orange, and silver design and “Monster Dairy” on sides, or6/or, Indo. Speed Blur 5-pack (2019) 2 – NA
n. mf lavender, black base and int., clear windows, pink, green, white, and black Stripes and Patrick on sides, clear yellow or6/bk, Th. SpongeBob #5 (2019) 1 – 2