This Malaysia made customized ’62 Chevy pick-up has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, windows and surf board.

Custom '62 Chevy (a) a. mf plum, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, tan surf board, pink and gold design on sides, os5gd. 2008 New Models #013 (2008) $1 – 3
Custom '62 Chevy (b) b. mf burgundy, as a, flat red and purple stripes on sides, black surf board, os5, Mal. 2008 New Models #013 (2008) 1 – 3
Custom '62 Chevy (c) c. candy blue, as a, brown windows, gold and white stripes on sides, black surfboard, os5gd, Mal. 2008 New Models #013 (2008) 1 – 3
d. black, as a, brown windows, orange and white stripes on sides, orange surfboard, os5bk, Mal. 2008 New Models #013  2 – 4
d2. black, as d, os5gd, Mal. 2008 New Models #013  8 – 12
e. mf lt. brown, black base and surfboard, gold chrome int., yellow windows, black red and white design on sides and hood, no red on side, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Rebel Rides series #139 (2009) 1 – 3
e2. mf lt. brown, as e, with red on sides, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Rebel Rides #139 (2009) 1 – 3
Custom '62 Chevy (f) f. mf green, black base, gold chrome int., clear windows, no surfboard, gold, white, and black, stripes on hood and sides, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. 10-pack exclusive (2009) 35 – NA
g. mf red and silver, metal base, chrome int., tinted windows, white roof, black surfboard, black, red, and white Holly design , rrrl, Th. Hot Wheels Delivery #4 (2010) 3 – 7
Custom '62 Chevy (h) h. mf red, as f, tinted chrome int., tinted windows, yellow, orange, and black, stripes on hood and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. 10-pack exclusive (2009) 50 – NA
i. mf blue and silver, as h, rrwl, Th. Hot Wheels Delivery #4 (2010) 3 – 7
Custom '62 Chevy (j) j. mf purple, as f, brown windows, gold, green, and black, stripes on hood and sides, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. 10-pack exclusive (2009) 50 – NA
Custom '62 Chevy (k) k. mf gold, dk. gray base, chrome int., clear windows, green surfboard, brown, green, and black flames on sides and hood, pr5, Mal. Treasure Hunts #54 (2011) 2 – 6
Custom '62 Chevy (l) l. spec gold, as k, stlrr, Mal. Trea$ure Hunt$ #54 (2011) 10 – 20
m. mf black, black base, gold chrome int., yellow windows, red, white, and silver stars and stripes design on hood and sides, “Fourth of July” on sides, pr5, Mal. 4th of July (2012) 2 – 4
Custom '62 Chevy (o) n. mf blue, black base, chrome int., clear windows, orange surfboard, orange and lt. blue flames on hood and sides, pr5, Mal. Heat Fleet #154 (2012) 1 – 3
Custom '62 Chevy (p) o. satin red, black base, chrome int., clear windows, no surfboard, gold and tan flames mc5, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Hot Trucks #162 (2012) 1 – 3
o2. satin red, as o, with slot in bed for surfboard. mc5, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Hot Trucks #162 (2012) 1 – 4
Custom '62 Chevy (q) p. pearl magenta, as o, tinted windows, lt. green and green flames, mc5gn, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Hot Trucks #162 (2012) 1 – 3
Custom '62 Chevy (s) q. red, green, and white, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, lt. green surfboard, white, green, and black Trix design, rr5spww, Th. Pop Culture – General Mills (2014) 2 – 6
Custom '62 Chevy (t) r. mf gold, black base, chrome int., brown windows, white roof, brown surf board, yellow, orange brown and white, stripes on hood and sides, “Custom” on sides, mc5bk/yw-rim, Mal. HW City – Surf Patrol #72 (2015) 1 – 3
Custom '62 Chevy (u) s. turquoise, as r, clear windows, pearl white surf board, red, black, and white, design  mc5bk/rd-rim, Mal. HW City – Surf Patrol #72 (2015) 1 – 3
Custom '62 Chevy (v) t. mf green, black base, chrome int., yellow windows, orange surf board, white, yellow, and orange flames on sides, mc5bk/yw-rim, Th. HW Flames (2016) 3 – NA
Custom '62 Chevy (u2) t2. mf green as t, New casting w/sunroof and shark bite surf board in bed, mc5bk/yw-rim, Th. HW Flames (2016) 2 – NA
 u. green, black base, chrome int., brown windows, plum. orange, white, and black stripes on hood and sides, “Longboards” on sides, stl8/wh, Mal. Surf’s Up #255 (2017) 1 – 2
 v. white, as u, black int., blue windows, plum. orange, yellow, and blue design, stl8/gd, Mal. Surf’s Up #348 (2017) 1 – 2
 w. yellow, black base chrome int., tinted windows, brown and tan scallops on sides,, Mal. Chevy Trucks 100 Years #4 (2018) 1 – 3
 x. flat black, black base, chrome int., purple windows, purple flames on sides, os5pu, Indo. HW Flames 5-pack (2018) 2 – NA
 y. zamac, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, red surfboard, black roof, red, black, and white stripes and Champion logo on sides, rrsc Th. Car Culture – Truck Shop #1 (2018) 2 – 5
z. blue, black base, chrome int., blue windows, black silver, and white stripes on hood and sides, stl8/wh, American Pickup #7 (2019) 1 – 3
aa. candy blue, white roof, metal base, chrome int., clear ab. red, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, balck and white stripes and “Hot Wheels Speed Shop” on sides, mc5/wh-rim, Indo. HW Hot Trucks (2020) 2 – NA
ab. red, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, balck and white stripes and “Hot Wheels Speed Shop” on sides, mc5/wh-rim, Indo. HW Hot Trucks (2020) 2 – NA
ac. mf silver, metal base, chrome int., tinted windows, red roof, red surfboard, red side stripes on sides, rrsp10gy, Th. Boulevard #8 (2020) 3 – 7
ad. mf brunt orange, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, met blue and white stripes on hood and sides, “53” on sides, stlbu, Mal. Orange and Blue (2021) 1 – 3
ae. blue/gray, metal base, white int., tinted windows, black and white checkerboard on  roof. “Hot Wheels Surf Club” on sides, rrldgy, Th. Beach Trucks box set (2022) 3 – 6
af. red, metal base, chrome int., tinted windows, black, blue, and white designs with “Lucas” on sides and rear, rrscrd, Indo. Vintage Oil #2 (2022) 3 – 6

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